Scheduled for 9-11 December 2022, the Mobile Studies Congress 2022 (MSC2022) is the third annual event series initiated by Mobile Studies International in 2020. The event series has its six annual themes: Go Mobile, Stay Healthy (2020), Go Mobile, Stay Sustainable (2021), Go Mobile, Stay Innovative (2022), Go Mobile, Stay Creative (2023), Go Mobile, Stay Green (2024), and Go Mobile, Stay Smart (2025).
MSC2022 is organised by Mobile Studies International (MSI) and Mobile Innovation Network & Association (MINA) and co-organized by the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Swinburne University of Technology, Zhejiang University, and Asia Media, Information and Communication Centre. It is hosted by Institute for Mobile Studies, School of International Communications, University of Nottingham Ningbo China in collaboration with DiVoMiner International (Macau, China), School of Communication (Soochow University, China), School of Journalism and Communication (Chongqing University, China) and School of Culture and Communication, (Zhejiang Wanli University, China).
To be held in a hybrid fashion, MSC2022 has scheduled 31 panels. Around 100 presenters from 12 countries will present their papers. MSC2022 has scheduled WS01 DiVoMiner for Innovative Mobile Studies Workshop for 3 December and WS02 Innovative Approaches to Mobile Documentary (in Chinese) for 4 December as the pre-congress events. MSC2022 has scheduled WS03 Innovative Smartphone Documentaries for 17 December and WS04 City Storytelling, the Innovative Ways (in Chinese) for 18 December as the post-congress events.