Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

We have four schools, including the School of Economics, School of Education and English, School of International Communications and the School of International Studies, and a Language Centre.

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Study with us

Our teaching is carried out in small groups, led by experienced and certificated teaching staff rated by our students as among the most approachable, enthusiastic and inspiring.

Schools and Department

The faculty comprises four schools – Economics, Education and English, International Communications and International Studies – and a Language Centre.


We are committed to internationally renowned research in a thriving trans-disciplinary environment of outstanding individual and collective research projects.


With 105 academic staff from 22 countries and regions, the faculty is committed to delivering world class teaching and research, with a growing focus on interdisciplinary projects.



Contact us

Faculty Office of Humanities and Social Sciences

Room 306, Innovation and Enterprise Building (IEB)
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China

Email: FHSS@nottingham.edu.cn

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