Mobile Research Paper Competition 2020
Call for Submissions
Mobile Studies Congress 2020 invites submissions to its research paper competition. Mobile Studies Congress is annual virtual event organized by the Institute for Mobile Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China. It is designed to advocate and promote mobile studies as an emerging field of studies around the world. The goals of the Mobile Research Paper Competition 2020 are to encourage and promote more academic research projects, professional observations and insights, and more importantly, connections and dialogues among professors, practitioners and policy-makers of mobile media and communication around the world.
Topics include, not limited to, the following: mobile government, mobile public opinion, mobile learning, mobile health, mobile health communication, mobile marketing, mobile advertising, mobile working, mobile creative working, mobile connections, mobile technologies, mobile gaming, mobile music, mobile for development, mobile economy, mobile journalism, mobile city storytelling, mobile experience, and mobile futures.
1. Each paper should follow APA style rigidly within 5000 words excluding references. All the submissions should be original and unpublished earlier. The papers submitted for the competition will be evaluated based on the importance of the topic, appropriateness of the research approach, and the significance of research contribution.
2. The Mobile Studies Competition 2020 committee will judge the submissions and select 16 papers. The 16 selected papers will be invited for inclusion in an edited book to be published by Palgrave.
3. The winners will be announced on 15 November 2020 at Mobile Studies Congress 2020 and the website of the Institute for Mobile Studies. The winners will be issued a certificate by the Institute for Mobile Studies, University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
15 October 2020: full paper submissions
15 November 2020: announcement of top paper winners
Submit your research paper and your bio with your email subject line of “Mobile Paper Competition 2020” to
Mobile Research Competition Committee
Institute for Mobile Studies
University of Nottingham Ningbo China