Mobile Documentary Competition 2020


Call for Submissions


Containing COVID-19: Mobile Documentaries

International Mobile Storytelling Competition Series 2020



Institute for Mobile Studies

Mobile Innovation Network & Association



Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 in early January 2020, global efforts in containing the virus have been widely documented by mobile users around the world. To document and enhance global joint efforts in containing the virus, we organise an online international mobile documentary competition.


Themes: The competition has, but not limited to, the following three suggested themes: (a) connections (with a special focus on connecting people, expertise and resources although physically distanced during the virus outbreak), (b) collaborations (with a special focus on collaboration processes on different fronts in containing the virus), and (c) contributions (with a special focus on achievements and progress in containing the virus locally, nationally or globally). Other suggested themes could include nurse stories, doctor stories, patients stories, patients’ family stories, or city stories in containing COVID-19.   


Categories: The competition has two categories: (a) original documentaries or (b) edited documentaries using video clips collected with permission from original sources.


Outstanding Mobile Documentary Awards (5)

Certificates + showcase on our social media

Excellent Mobile Documentary Awards (20)

Certificates + showcase on our social media


Rules & Terms

Your mobile documentary must be kept within 10 minutes. It should be original, shot and edited with a smartphone, with English subtitles, with a compelling theme, and strong interwoven storytelling elements. If any story elements used from other sources, permission for re-use should be obtained from the original creators. Finally, make sure everything is truthful and cleared by you before you submit it to us for the competition.


Please send your submissions together with your bio including your email address to

Alternatively, you submit it directly via the following link:


Submission deadline: 12:00 noon 1 November 2020.

The winners will be announced on 15 November 2020.         


For enquiry, please write to