International Communications VIBE (ICV)


1. ICV Introduction

International Communications VIBE (ICV) was established in 2018 as the official student organization of the School of International Communications and an important component of the Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association (HSSA).

2.  Aims

• Help freshmen to consolidate and expand what they have learned.

• Complete the introduction of main IC courses.

• Gradually form a mutual support network of IC alumni across various industries and help to develop further career direction.

• To become a leading student society in IC, and demonstrate thought leadership within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


News Agency



News Agency is a student organization founded in 2005. It provides a platform to show life in UNNC from different perspectives, creating a high-quality mass media atmosphere in UNNC and spreading the culture of UNNC. There are six departments in News Agency: UNNC FM, Editing Department, Digital Promotion Department, Design Department, Human Resources Department and Public Relations Department. We have professional devices and rich experience in audio editing. We aim to break the traditional radio model, delivering our programs through Wechat official platform and Lizhi FM. We have sufficient experience and unique perspectives for campus events.


The Beacon is the official bilingual newspaper in UNNC and has published 82 issues, and it also won the title of “Best newspaper” from 2015 to 2016. Additionally, the weekly student activity newsletters transmit the activity information by email to teachers and students in time, promoting the development of student activities. Since its establishment, News Agency has hosted and sponsored many activities, such as Ningbo bilingual Dubbing Competition and the UNNC Dubbing contests which have been successfully held for five sessions.


Nottingham University Television Station (NUTS)



1. Introduction

Nottingham University Television Station (NUTS) is the official television station of UNNC. As a transnational media organization run by students, NUTS is committed to standards of professionalism. NUTS has a close relationship and history of collaboration with the School of International Communications along with external companies. We have a professional in-house training system, through which we produce self-made programs that are broadcast through multiple trans-media platforms. For both its programs and operation, NUTS appreciates and highlights the values of being “professional”, “hardworking”, “family” and “creative”

2. Objectives and purposes

  • Rich campus life
  • More practice opportunities
  • Wide reputation of UNNC
  • Constantly try new things
  • Life begins at the end of your comfort zone