Different types of rooms and spaces in the library are available to University of Nottingham Ningbo China staff and students. Rooms and spaces can be used by individuals or groups for academic purposes or other University-related projects.
UNNC Library Room and Space Booking System
How to book
UNNC Library Room and Space Booking Guide [PDF]
Group Study Rooms and Project Rooms
32 Group Study Rooms and 16 Project Rooms can be used by groups without booking, but to guarantee the space, the room should be booked in advance.
- The rooms can be booked in slot of up to two hours.
- You can have up to one booking at the same time.
- The number of attendees should reach 50% of the room capacity.
- Upon your arrival at the room, you need to check-in on the booking information screen, otherwise the room will be released 15 minutes after the start of the booking.
Function Rooms
There are different types of function rooms available to book for different purposes. Please follow UNNC Library Room and Space Booking Guide to book the rooms to your needs.
Room details:
Please email library@nottingham.edu.cn or call 0574 88180152 with inquires about these rooms.