Located on the 2nd floor of the new library, the audio and video recording studio is equipped with industrial-standard lighting, recording, editing and sound-proof systems. Learning Technologies and the studio will undertake rich-media content productions to enhance digital learning and teaching experiences at UNNC.

Book the Editing Studio

What you can do in the studio?

The use cases of the AV Recording Studio are as follows:

  • Talks: Single Presenter
  • Talks: Multiple Presenters
  • Scenarios and Problem Based Learning
  • How-to’s and Demonstrations
  • Live lecture broadcast
  • More use cases (subject to communications)

How to book the studio?

  1. Before using the AV recording services, a pre-production consulting process is high recommended to contact Learning Technologies Team via learning-technologies@nottingham.edu.cn.
  2. All UNNC teaching staff are welcome to book AV recording studio via booking system to provide general information and needs for teaching and learning activities.
  3. A confirmation or decline to booking request will be sent to the applicant in a timely manner.
  4. In principle, a booking request shall be submitted at least 3 working days in advance.
  5. Booking is available in Library’s opening hours. Booking with onsite support will be available in 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:30pm-5:00pm in working days. 

Content production workflowAudio & Video Recording Studio

Examples of use cases 

Single presenter with slide show

Single presenter 1
Single presenter2


Slides show on Interactive Flat Panel  

Slides show1
Slides show2


Language education – group conversation

Language education1
Language education2
Language education3


Assessment content

Assessment content1
Assessment content2