How to borrow, renew and return items in the University of Nottingham Ningbo China library.
How do I borrow?
Use your University Card to borrow items:
- at the self- service machines (always try this first)
- at the Enquiries Desk
How many items can you borrow?
User type
Loan entitlement
60 items
Alumni/Associates/Staff family
5 items
How long can you keep for?
The Library adopts an automatic renewal policy for most of the items in stock.
Standard items will be issued for seven days initially. The library system starts daily automatic renewal on the second day if the item is not requested by another patron.
If more than one person is waiting for the book, you will just get the book for two days.
Media and equipment loans and inter-library loan items are NOT included in auto-renewals and must be returned by the due time/date.
!Note you can reserve the ordinary item on NUsearch if it is not on the shelf. You will receive an email to inform you when the book is available and collect it from the enquiries desk within two days.
Will I be notified when auto-renewal is stopped or the book is overdue?
Items on loan may be requested at any time by another patron, which results in the failure of daily auto-renewal.
Once the auto-renewal is stopped, a courtesy reminder will be sent to the patron, allowing maximum six days to return the book.
Overdue notices are sent at 1 day, 7 days and 21 days.
How do I return my book?
You can return items to the library in the following ways:
- at self-service machines
- at 24H Book Return
- Enquiries Desk (equipment and media, inter-library loans items)
!Note you will get a fine if you return your books late.
My Library Loans
My Library loan ( will send emails to remind patron for loan status.
Some type of emails
Personal loan report
Every Monday you will receive a personal loan report email just to remind you what you have out on loan. No action is required from you.
Courtesy letter
This letter contains a list of the patron’s loans that are due soon. Please return the item before the due date, otherwise you may be charged for fines after due date.
On hold shelf letter
This letter indicates that an item is ready for pickup at the hold shelf. Please collect the item at enquiries desk in second floor of library.
Due loans letter
This letter contains a list of all the patron’s loans due that day. Please return the item that day, otherwise you may be charged for fines after that day.
Due date change
This letter indicates changes in the status of a loan or the due date, including changes such as: a. A due date changes, regardless of whether a recall has been issued. b. A recall is issued but the due date hasn't changed.
Fines & Payment
You will be fined for items returned late. All fines must be paid in full as soon as possible.
!Note if your total fines build up to 25 RMB or more, your card will be blocked until the fine is paid in full. The maximum overdue fine for each item is 120 RMB.
Types of Loans
Ordinary Loans
Inter-Library Loans items
You can pay library fines and fees at Library Enquiries Desk
- using University Card payment credits
- using WeChat Pay
!Note No cash is allowed for payment at Library Enquiries Desk.
Lost books:
Tell us if you have lost your book and we will let you know the replacement cost. Or provide us with a new copy for replacement.
Top tips
You can check all related loan information (like due date, requests, fines) by using ‘My Library Card’ in NUsearch.
If you cannot find the book you need, contact library staff.
If you require an item not in stock in the library, you may be eligible to use the interlibrary loans service.
In exceptional circumstances fines may be reduced if:
- it is patron’s first fine (up to RMB120)
- patrons have ongoing and proven technical problems with email access
- patrons are ill or hospitalised
- patrons are away on University business where the location or frequency of travel makes communication particularly difficult