Research in the School of Education and English
The School of Education and English has an exceptionally strong record of research. It builds a diverse and inclusive environment that encourages world-leading academics here to produce pioneering research in areas of Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Intercultural Communications, Multilingualism, Stylistics, English Studies, Language Education (including English Language Education and TESOL), Higher Education, Comparative Education, and Educational Leadership. Employing diverse methods and theoretical frameworks, our top-tier, innovative, rigorous and cross-disciplinary research contributes new knowledge and ideas that lead to real change in the world. If you have any questions about our research, please get in touch via
Dr. Lily Yu
Associate Professor in Translation Studies
Director of Research
School of Education and English
Research Areas
Research Labs & Centres
World-leading Academics
Academics in the School are highly influential in their respective fields. Their research provides new areas of scholarship. Visit our people page to view more about staff research and supervision interests.
Professors Anwei Feng and Margaret Gillon Dowens are among 12 UNNC academics ranked in Highly Cited Chinese Researchers 2021 list. Clink
here for detailed information.
Research Spotlights
Special Event for International Women's Day: IAPS Gender Studies Group organised Gender Month on 8-29 March, 2023. |
A talk titled “Translation & Culture ---The case of Yuanmingyuan ruins” |
A 1-hour plenary speech "Quo Vadis, EAP? Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats in Transformative Times" |
A talk titled “Task repetition in second language writing: The role of written corrective feedback, working memory, and language aptitude” |
A talk titled “China Daily Cartoons – Ideological clusters prior to and at the height of COVID-19” |
Latest Research Events
International Symposium on Nurturing Glocal Talents for the New Era
Date: 17-18 June 2023