Seminar Series

The School of Economics Seminar Series are held on Wednesdays from 4-5.30pm unless otherwise stated. 


Academic Year


Date TimeVenue Speaker Topic Registration
1 March 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Yibai Yang Innovation, Technology Transfer and the International Regulation of Patents and Trade Secrets Click
6 March 2024 4-5.30pm IEB123 Gergely Horvath Network formation and efficiency in linear-quadratic games: An experimental study Click
13 March 2024 4-5.30pm IEB123 Myoung-jae Lee Direct, Indirect and Interaction Effects Based on Mediator Principal Stratification Click
27 March 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Shuhuai Zhang Not Too Early, Not Too Late: Encouraging Engagement in Education Click
3 April 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Zhixian Yu Bargaining with Uncertain Deadline Click
10 April 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Marcus Roel How Many Others Apply for the Jobs I Am Applying for? The Effect of Perceived Labor Market Competition on Job Search Click
18 April 2024 4-5.30pm IEB123 Shaoyu Li Would Corporate Climate Risk Reduce the Employment? Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies Click
24 April 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Chien-Yu Huang Household Taxation and Dynamics of Income Inequality in an Innovation-led Model with Endogenous Firm Size Click
25 April 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Eik Leong Swee Historical anti-fascism and right-wing voting in Italy Click
8 May 2024 4-5.30pm IEB122 Zengbo Hu The Impact of Political Cycles on Chinese Local Governments’ Environmental Expenditure Click
29 May 2024 4-5.30pm IEB231 Zhihong Yu Trade Liberalisation, Sourcing Capability and Multi product Firms Click