From 2014 to 2019, the School of Economics has published 86 journal articles, monograph, and book chapters in English and Chinese. More specifically, several research works appeared in world leading journals such as The Economic JournalJournal of Business and Economic StatisticsJournal of International EconomicsSocial Science and MedicineEconomic TheoryJournal of Travel ResearchAnnals of Tourism ResearchEconomic InquiryEconomics LettersEnergy EconomicsEuropean Economic ReviewHealth EconomicsJournal of Applied EconometricsJournal of Financial MarketsJournal of Futures MarketsJournal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Public EconomicsOxford Economic PapersQuantitative FinanceWorld Development, and World Bank Economic Review


Publications in 2019

  1. Appleton S., Matta S., and Bleaney M., 2019, The Impact of the Arab Spring on the Tunisian Economy, World Bank Economic Review, 33(1): 231-258.
  2. Barazzetta, M., Appleton, S., and Owens, T., 2019, Hedonic Adaptation to Treatment: Evidence from a Medical Intervention. The Journal of Development Studies
  3. Li, S., Zhang, D., and Chen, Z., 2019, Impact of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme on Individual Healthcare Utilization and Expenditure, The Chinese Economy, 52(6): 488-504.
  4. Wang, R., Chen, Z., Zhou, Y., Shen, L., Zhang, Z., & Wu, X., 2019, Melancholy or Mahjong? Diversity, Frequency, Type, and Rural-urban Divide of Social Participation and Depression in Middle-and Old-Aged Chinese: A Fixed-effects Analysis. Social Science & Medicine238, 112518.
  5. Wang R., Bishwajit  G, Zhou Y, Wu X, Feng D, Tang S, Chen Z, Shaw I, Wu T, Song H, Fu Q, Feng Z., 2019, Intensity, Frequency, Duration, and Volume of Physical Activity and Its Association with Risk of Depression in Middle- and Older-Aged Chinese: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, PLoS ONE 14(8): e0221430.
  6. Song H, Zhang D, Chen Z, Wang R, Tang S, Bishwajit G, Chen S, Feng D, Wu T, Wang Y, Su Y, Feng Z., 2019, Utilisation of National Community-based Hypertension Monitoring Service among Chinese Older Patients and Its Impact on Hypertension Control—A Mediation Analysis in Logistic Regression. BMC Geriatrics, 19 (1): 162.
  7. Chua, C. L., and Tsiaplias, S., 2019, Information Flows and Stock Market Volatility, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(1), 129-148.
  8. Hsieh, C. R., Liu S. and Qin X., 2019, The Hidden Costs of Mental Depression: Implications on Social Trust and Life Satisfaction, Manchester School, 87(2), 259-296.
  9. Hsieh, C. R., and Tang, C., 2019, The Multi-tiered Medical Education System and Its Influence on the Health Care Market: A China’s Flexner Report, Human Resources for Health, 17: No. 50.
  10. Greenwood-Nimmo, M., Huang, J., & Nguyen, V. H., 2019, Financial Sector Bailouts, Sovereign Bailouts and the Transfer of Credit Risk. Journal of Financial Markets, 42, 121-142.
  11. Lane, T., 2019, Get Her Off My Screen: Taste-based Discrimination in a High-stakes Popularity Contest, Oxford Economic Papers, 71(3), 548-563.
  12. Kölle, F., Lane, T., Nosenzo, D., and Starmer, C., 2019, Promoting Voter Registration: the Effects of Low-cost Interventions on Behaviour and Norms, Behavioural Public Policy
  13. Lin, Y., Mei, Q., Qian, X. and He T., 2019, Salt Consumption and the Risk of Chronic Diseases among Chinese Adults in Ningbo City, Nutrition Journal (accepted).
  14. Wen, L., Liu, C., and Song, H., 2019, Forecasting Tourism Demand Using Search Query Data: A Hybrid Modelling Approach, Tourism Economics, 25(3), 309–329.
  15. Song, H., Wen, L., and Liu, C., 2019, Density Tourism Demand Forecasting Revisited, Annals of Tourism Research, 75: 379-392.
  16. Alghamdi, M., McDonald, S., Pailthorpe, B., 2019, (forthcoming) The Impact of Product Differentiation on Symmetric R&D Networks. Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games.
  17. Luo, X., Qian, X., and Qu, C., 2019, Iterated Elimination Procedures, Economic Theory, DOI 10.1007/s00199-019-01215-6.
  18. Zhai, X., Hao, Y., Scheffel, E. M., and Zhang, Y., 2019, Investor Disagreement, Government Subsidies and the Abnormal Day-one Returns of IPOs: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
  19. Zhang, Y., Ding, S., and Scheffel, E. M., 2019, A Key Determinant of Commodity Price Co-movement: The Role of Daily Market Liquidity, Economic Modelling, 81: 170-180.
  20. Facchini, G., Liu, M.Y. Mayda, A.M., and Zhou, M., 2019, China’s “Great Migration”: The Impact of the Reduction in Trade Policy Uncertainty, Journal of International Economics, 120: 126-144.
  21. Fan, W., Pan, J. and Zhou, M., 2019, An Explanation of the Underdevelopment of China’s Service Sector from the Perspective of Demand, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Publications from 2014 to 2018