From 2014 to 2019, the School of Economics has published 86 journal articles, monograph, and book chapters in English and Chinese. More specifically, several research works appeared in world leading journals such as The Economic Journal, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Social Science and Medicine, Economic Theory, Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Economic Inquiry, Economics Letters, Energy Economics, European Economic Review, Health Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Journal of Public Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Quantitative Finance, World Development, and World Bank Economic Review.
Publications in 2019
- Appleton S., Matta S., and Bleaney M., 2019, The Impact of the Arab Spring on the Tunisian Economy, World Bank Economic Review, 33(1): 231-258.
- Barazzetta, M., Appleton, S., and Owens, T., 2019, Hedonic Adaptation to Treatment: Evidence from a Medical Intervention. The Journal of Development Studies,
- Li, S., Zhang, D., and Chen, Z., 2019, Impact of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme on Individual Healthcare Utilization and Expenditure, The Chinese Economy, 52(6): 488-504.
- Wang, R., Chen, Z., Zhou, Y., Shen, L., Zhang, Z., & Wu, X., 2019, Melancholy or Mahjong? Diversity, Frequency, Type, and Rural-urban Divide of Social Participation and Depression in Middle-and Old-Aged Chinese: A Fixed-effects Analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 238, 112518.
- Wang R., Bishwajit G, Zhou Y, Wu X, Feng D, Tang S, Chen Z, Shaw I, Wu T, Song H, Fu Q, Feng Z., 2019, Intensity, Frequency, Duration, and Volume of Physical Activity and Its Association with Risk of Depression in Middle- and Older-Aged Chinese: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, PLoS ONE 14(8): e0221430.
- Song H, Zhang D, Chen Z, Wang R, Tang S, Bishwajit G, Chen S, Feng D, Wu T, Wang Y, Su Y, Feng Z., 2019, Utilisation of National Community-based Hypertension Monitoring Service among Chinese Older Patients and Its Impact on Hypertension Control—A Mediation Analysis in Logistic Regression. BMC Geriatrics, 19 (1): 162.
- Chua, C. L., and Tsiaplias, S., 2019, Information Flows and Stock Market Volatility, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(1), 129-148.
- Hsieh, C. R., Liu S. and Qin X., 2019, The Hidden Costs of Mental Depression: Implications on Social Trust and Life Satisfaction, Manchester School, 87(2), 259-296.
- Hsieh, C. R., and Tang, C., 2019, The Multi-tiered Medical Education System and Its Influence on the Health Care Market: A China’s Flexner Report, Human Resources for Health, 17: No. 50.
- Greenwood-Nimmo, M., Huang, J., & Nguyen, V. H., 2019, Financial Sector Bailouts, Sovereign Bailouts and the Transfer of Credit Risk. Journal of Financial Markets, 42, 121-142.
- Lane, T., 2019, Get Her Off My Screen: Taste-based Discrimination in a High-stakes Popularity Contest, Oxford Economic Papers, 71(3), 548-563.
- Kölle, F., Lane, T., Nosenzo, D., and Starmer, C., 2019, Promoting Voter Registration: the Effects of Low-cost Interventions on Behaviour and Norms, Behavioural Public Policy,
- Lin, Y., Mei, Q., Qian, X. and He T., 2019, Salt Consumption and the Risk of Chronic Diseases among Chinese Adults in Ningbo City, Nutrition Journal (accepted).
- Wen, L., Liu, C., and Song, H., 2019, Forecasting Tourism Demand Using Search Query Data: A Hybrid Modelling Approach, Tourism Economics, 25(3), 309–329.
- Song, H., Wen, L., and Liu, C., 2019, Density Tourism Demand Forecasting Revisited, Annals of Tourism Research, 75: 379-392.
- Alghamdi, M., McDonald, S., Pailthorpe, B., 2019, (forthcoming) The Impact of Product Differentiation on Symmetric R&D Networks. Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games.
- Luo, X., Qian, X., and Qu, C., 2019, Iterated Elimination Procedures, Economic Theory, DOI 10.1007/s00199-019-01215-6.
- Zhai, X., Hao, Y., Scheffel, E. M., and Zhang, Y., 2019, Investor Disagreement, Government Subsidies and the Abnormal Day-one Returns of IPOs: Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,
- Zhang, Y., Ding, S., and Scheffel, E. M., 2019, A Key Determinant of Commodity Price Co-movement: The Role of Daily Market Liquidity, Economic Modelling, 81: 170-180.
- Facchini, G., Liu, M.Y. Mayda, A.M., and Zhou, M., 2019, China’s “Great Migration”: The Impact of the Reduction in Trade Policy Uncertainty, Journal of International Economics, 120: 126-144.
- Fan, W., Pan, J. and Zhou, M., 2019, An Explanation of the Underdevelopment of China’s Service Sector from the Perspective of Demand, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade,
Publications from 2014 to 2018
- Appleton S., Matta S., and Bleaney M., forthcoming, The Impact of the Arab Spring on the Tunisian Economy, World Bank Economic Review. DOI: 10.1093/wber/lhw059.
- Appleton S., Gaggero, A., and Song L., 2018, Framing Effects on Bribery Behaviour: Experimental Evidence from China and Uganda, Journal of the Economic Science Association, 4: pp.86-97.
- Appleton S., Matta S., and Bleaney M., 2018, The Microeconomic Impact of Political Instability: Firm-Level Evidence from Tunisia, Review of Development Economics, 22 (4): pp.1590-1619.
- Appleton S., Song L., and Lian Z., Deconstructing Informality: An Answer to Vulnerability or Optimality?, chapter 11, p245-266 in Yang Lijun and Shan Wei (eds.)“New Humanism and Global Governance”, World Scientific Press: Singapore, 2018. (Book Chapter)
- Long, W., and Song L., 2017, The Impact of Job Contact Networks on Wages of Rural-Urban Migrants in China: A Switching Regression Approach, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 15 (1), pp.81-101.
- Song, L. and Xia, Q., 2014, Understanding urban wage inequality in China 1988–2008: Evidence from quantile analysis, World Development, 62, pp.1-13.
- Appleton, S., Song, L., and Li, S., 2014, The effect of the state sector on wage inequality in urban China: 1988–2007, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 12:1, pp.29-45. DOI: 10.1080/14765284.2013.875282.
- Wang, R., Tang, S., Shaw, I., Feng, Z., Chen, Z., Luo, Y., Song, H., Wu, T., Fu, Q., Fu, H., Huang, Y., Chen, X., Feng, D. Integrated Decision-making model for Community-based Rehabilitation service utilisation among persons with Severe Mental Illness in China: Protocol for a cross-sectional mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, Accepted
- Chen, Z., Kolor, K., Grosse, S.D., Rodriguez, J.L., Lynch, J.A., Green, R.F., Dotson, W.D., Bowen, M.S. and Khoury, M.J., 2018, Trends in utilization and costs of BRCA testing among women aged 18–64 years in the United States, 2003–2014, Genetics in Medicine, 20(4), pp.428.
- Luo, H., Bell, R.A., Cummings, D.M., Chen, Z., 2018, Diabetes preventive care practices in North Carolina: 2000 - 2015, Preventing Chronic Disease.15:170316. DOI:
- Luo H., Chen, Z., Xu, L., Bell, R.A., 2018, Health Care Access and Receipt of Clinical Diabetes Preventive Care for Working-Age Adults With Diabetes in States With and Without Medicaid Expansion: Results from the 2013 and 2015 BRFSS. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. doi:10.1097/PHH.0000000000000832
- Zhou, C. H., Tang, S. F., Wang, X. H., Chen, Z., Zhang, D. I., Gao, J. L., ... & Feng, Z. C., 2018, Satisfaction about Patient-centeredness and Healthcare System among Patients with Chronic Multimorbidity. Current Medical Science, 38(1), pp.184-190.
- Kolor, K., Chen, Z., Grosse, S.D., Rodriguez, J.L., Green, R.F., Dotson, W.D., Bowen, M.S., Lynch, J.A. and Khoury, M.J., 2017, BRCA genetic testing and receipt of preventive interventions among women aged 18–64 years with employer-sponsored health insurance in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan areas—United States, 2009–2014, MMWR Surveillance Summaries, 66(15), p.1.
- Luo H., Bell R.A., Cummings D.M., Chen Z., 2017, Diabetes preventive care practices in North Carolina: 2000 - 2015, Preventing Chronic Disease.
- Athar, H., Chen, Z.A., Contreary, K., Xu, X., Dube, S.R. and Chang, M.H., 2016, Impact of increasing coverage for select smoking cessation therapies with no Out-of-Pocket cost among the Medicaid population in Alabama, Georgia, and Maine. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 22(1), pp.40-47.
- Contreary, K., Chen, Z.A., Chattopadhyay, S. and Chang, M.H., 2015, A Review of Tools to Calculate the Cost of Health Conditions and Common Health Risk Factors, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 21(6), pp.E1-E10.
- Epifani, P. and Gancia, G., 2017, Global imbalances revisited: The transfer problem and transport costs in monopolistic competition, Journal of International Economics, 108, pp.99-116.
- Bertoletti, P. and Epifani, P., 2014, Monopolistic competition: CES redux?, Journal of International Economics, 93 (2), pp.227-238.
- Crinò, R. and Epifani, P., 2014, Trade imbalances, export structure and wage inequality, The Economic Journal, 124 (576), pp.507-539.
- Hsieh, C. R., S. Liu and X. Qin., 2018, The Hidden Costs of Mental Depression: Implications on Social Trust and Life Satisfaction, Manchester School, in Press.
- Hsieh, C. R., and X. Qin., 2018, Depression Hurts, Depression Costs: the Medical Spending Attributable to Depression and Depressive Symptoms in China, Health Economics, 27 (3), pp.525-544.
- Qin, X., S. Wang and C. R. Hsieh., 2018, The Prevalence of Depression and Depressive Symptoms among Adults in China: Estimation Based on a National Household Survey, China Economic Review, 51, pp.271-282.
- Wang, Z., N. Li, M. Jiang, K. Dear, and C.R. Hsieh., 2017, Records of Medical Malpractice Litigation: A Potential Indicator of Health-care Quality in China, Bulletin of the WHO, 95, pp.430-436.
- Hsieh, C.R. and T. F. Lo., 2017, Are Smokers too Optimistic about Their Health Status: Ex Ante Perception vs. Ex Post Observation, China Economic Review, 43, pp.169-183.
- Pan, J., X. Qin, and C. R. Hsieh., 2016, Is the Pro-competition Policy an Effective Solution for China’s Public Hospital Reform?, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 11 (4), pp.337-357.
- Qin, X. and C. R. Hsieh., 2014, Economic Growth and Geographic Maldistribution of Health Care Resources: Evidence from China, 1949-2010, China Economic Review, 31, pp.228-246.
- Lo, T. F. and C. R. Hsieh., 2014, The Adoption of Pharmaceutical Innovation and Its Impact on the Treatment Costs for Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease in Taiwan, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 17 (3), pp.107-117.
- Liu, Y.M. and C. R. Hsieh., 2014, Profit - Seeking Behavior of Medical Providers and Generic Competition in the Pharmaceutical Market: Evidence from Taiwan, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14 (1), pp.241-275.
- Chang, S., Y. He and C. R. Hsieh., 2014, The Determinants of Health Care Expenditure towards the End of Life: Evidence from Taiwan, Health Economics, 23 (8), pp.951-961.
- Pearce, F. A., Lanyon, P. C., Watts, R. A., Grainge, M. J., Abhishek, A., & Hubbard, R. B.,2018, Novel Insights into the Aetiology of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis—A Case–control Study Using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Rheumatology, 57 (6), pp.1002-1010.
- Stewart, I., Khakwani, A., Hubbard, R. B., Beckett, P., Borthwick, D., Tod, A., Leary A., & Tata, L. J., 2018, Are working Practices of Lung Cancer Nurse Specialists Associated with Variation in Peoples’ Receipt of Anticancer Therapy?, Lung Cancer, 123, pp.160-165.
- Long, W., Liu, C. and Song, H., forthcoming, Are Search Query Data Useful in Tourism Demand Forecasting?, Journal of Tourism Economics.
- Long, W., Liu, C. and Song, H., forthcoming, Density Tourism Demand Forecasting Revisited, Annals of Tourism Research.
- Long, W., Liu, C. and Song, H., 2018, Pooling in Tourism Demand Forecasting, Journal of Travel Research.
- Zhaohui, N., Chris, M., Liu, C., Saileshsingh, G., 2018, Non-tariff and Overall Protection: Evidence across Countries and Over Time, Review of World Economics, 154 (4), pp.675-703.
- Abdulrahman, M.D.A., Subramanian, N., Liu, C. and Shu, C., 2015, Viability of remanufacturing practice: a strategic decision making framework for Chinese auto-parts companies, Journal of Cleaner Production, 105, pp.311-323.
- Subramanian, N., Gunasekaran, A., Abdulrahman, M.D., Liu, C. and Su, D., 2014, Reverse logistics in the Chinese auto-parts firms: implementation framework development through multiple case studies, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 21(3), pp.223-234.
- Cao, Y., Gregory-Smith, I. and Montagnoli, A., 2018, Transmission of Liquidity Shocks: Evidence on Cross-Border Bank Ownership Linkages, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 53, pp.158-178.
- Chua, C.L. and Tsiaplias, S., forthcoming, Information Flows and Stock Market Volatility, Journal of Applied Econometrics.
- Chua, C.L. and Robinson, T., 2018, Why Has Australian Wages Growth Been So Low? A Phillips Curve Perspective, Economic Record, 94 (S1), pp.11-32.
- Chua, C.L. and Tsiaplias, S., 2018, A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Time-Varying Cointegration and Cointegrating Rank, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 36(2), pp.267-277.
- Chua, C.L., Suardi, S. and Chang, Y., 2017, A Re-examination of Libor Rigging: a Time-varying Cointegration Perspective, Quantitative Finance, 17(9), pp.1367-1386.
- Chua, C.L., De Silva, C. and Suardi, S., 2017, Do Petrol Prices Increase Faster than They Fall in Market Disequilibria?, Energy Economics, 61, pp.135-146.
- Nguyen, T.D., Suardi, S. and Chua, C.L., 2017, The Behavior of US Public Debt and Deficits during the Global Financial Crisis, Contemporary Economic Policy, 35(1), pp.201-215.
- Lim, G.C., Nguyen, V.H. and Chua, C.L., 2014, Review of the Australian Economy 2013–14: The Age of Austerity?, Australian Economic Review, 47(1), pp.1-12.
- Greenwood-Nimmo, M.J., Huang, J. and Nguyen, V.H., forthcoming, Financial Sector Bailouts, Sovereign Bailouts and the Transfer of Credit Risk. Journal of Financial Markets.
- Leong, C.K., 2016, Credit Risk Scoring with Bayesian Network Models. Computational Economics, 47 (3), pp.423-446.
- Leong, C.K., 2015, Response to the Comment on Testing for Spurious and Cointegrated Regressions: A Wavelet Approach, Journal of Applied Statistics, 42(8), pp.1770-1772.
- Lane, T., forthcoming. Get Her off My Screen: Taste-based Discrimination in a High-stakes Popularity Contest. Oxford Economic Papers
- Barr, A., Lane, T., & Nosenzo, D. (2018). On the Social Inappropriateness of Discrimination. Journal of Public Economics, 164, pp.153-164.
- Lane, T., 2017, How Does Happiness Relate to Economic Behaviour? A Review of the Literature, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 68, pp.62-78.
- Lane, T., 2016, Discrimination in the Laboratory: A Meta-analysis of Economics Experiments, European Economic Review, 90, pp.375-402.
- Loke, W.H. and Tham, S.Y., 2017, Vertical Specialisation and Backward Linkages: Reconsidering Malaysian Manufacturing Development, Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 51, pp.57-76.
- Luckraz, S., 2018, A Survey on the Relationship between the Game of Cops and Robbers and Other Game Representations, Dynamic Games and Applications, pp.1-15.
- Ibragimov, G. and Luckraz, S., 2017, On a Characterization of Evasion Strategies for Pursuit-Evasion Games on Graphs, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 175(2), pp.590-596.
- Kline, J.J. and Luckraz, S., 2016, Equivalence between Graph-based and Sequence-based Extensive form Games, Economic Theory Bulletin, 4 (1), pp.85-94.
- Luckraz, S., 2016, A Proof of the Existence of Phi-stable Sets in N-player Games via Glicksberg's Fixed Point Theorem, Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications, 2(4), pp.356-364.
- Luckraz, S., 2014, A Note on the Relationship between the Isotone Assumption of the Abian-Brown Fixed Point Theorem and Abian’s Most Basic Fixed Point Theorem, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, lead article, 129 (1), pp. 1-7.
- Yap, Y.J., Luckraz, S. and Tey, S.K., 2014, Long-term Research and Development Incentives in a Dynamic Cournot Duopoly, Economic Modelling, 39, pp.8-18.
- Friesen, L., Yong, S.K., and McDonald, S., forthcoming, R&D Spillovers in Clean Technology, Cooperation and Tacit Collusion, Economic Inquiry.
- Arcand, J-L. and McDonald, S., 2018, Credit Markets with Imperfect Information: Risk-Aversion versus Pessimism, Economics Letters, 165, pp.35-38.
- Yong, S.K. and McDonald, S., 2018, Emissions Taxation and Clean Technology R&D with One-Way Spillovers, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 20 (1), pp.89–108.
- McDonald, S. and Poyago-Theotoky, J., 2017, Green Technology and Optimal Emissions Taxation, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19 (2), pp.362–376
- Chen, Y.C., Luo, X. and Qu, C., 2016, Rationalizability in General Situations, Economic Theory, 61 (1), pp.147-167.
- Zhang, Y., Ding, S. and Scheffel, E., 2018, Policy Impact on Volatility Dynamics in Commodity Futures Markets: Evidence from China, Journal of Futures Markets, 38 10), pp.1227-1245.
- Hatcher, M.C. and Scheffel, E.M., 2016, Solving the Incomplete Markets Model in Parallel Using GPU Computing and the Krusell–Smith Algorithm, Computational Economics, 48 (4), pp.569-591.
- Scheffel, E.M., 2016, Accounting for the Political Uncertainty Factor, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31 (6), pp.1048-1064.
- Bai, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, C., Bai, X. and Hancock, E.R., 2015, A Graph Kernel Based on the Jensen-Shannon Representation Alignment, In IJCAI (pp.3322-3328).
- Bai, L., Zhang, Z., Wang, C., Bai, X. and Hancock, E.R., 2015, dge-Based Matching Kernel for Graphs Through the Directed Line Graphs, In 16th CAIP, Part II, pp.85-95.
- Zhou, M., and Yang, L., 2017, Distributional Effects of Labor’s Share of Income: Regional and Urban-rural Differentials, Studies in Labor Economics, 6, pp.48-78. reprinted by China Social Sciences Press, Population and Labour Economics Digest, 2017, 3 (2). (Chinese Journal)
- Fan, L., and Zhou, M., 2018, The Road of Socialist Market Economy with Chinese Characteristics: A Summary for Theoretical Workshop Commemorating 40th Anniversary for Reform and Opening Up, Economic Research Journal, 8, pp.98-102. (Chinese Journal)
- Zhao, L., and Zhou, M., 2018, Do Only Children Have Poor Vision: Evidence from China’s One Child Policy, Health Economics, 27 (7), pp.1131-1146.
- Zhou, M., and Xu, Y., 2017, High Education Expansion and Intergenerational Mobility in China, China Economics of Education Review, 2 (6), pp.84-97. (Chinese Journal)
- Zhou M. and Jin Z., 2017, How Does Migrants’ Willingness of Long-term Stay Affect Their Consuming Behavior, Chinese Journal of Population Science, 5, pp.110-119. (Chinese Journal)
- Zhou M., 2015, Decomposition of Income Inequality by Factor Components: A Survey, Studies in Labor Economics, 3 (2), pp.95-123, reprinted by Newspaper and Journal Articles Reprint Series of Renmin University of China, Theory and Practice in Socialist Economy, 2016, 1. (Chinese Journal)
- Zhou M., 2014, Decomposition and Mechanism of Movement of China’s Labor’s Income Share, Studies in Labor Economics, 2 (3), pp.77-99. (Chinese Journal)
- Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Zhou, M., 2014, Who Posts Performance Bonds and Why? Evidence from China's CEOs, China Economic Review, 30, pp.520-529.
- Zhou M., 2014, Estimation and Analysis of Movements of Real Labor’s Income Share, Chinese Journal of Population Science, 1, pp.108-116. (Chinese Journal)
- Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Zhou, M., 2014, Same or Different? The CEO Labour Market in China's Public Listed Companies, The Economic Journal, 124 (574), pp.F90-F108.
- Zhou M. and Luo C., “Labor’s Share of Income and Functional Income Distribution”, Chapter 14, in Quan H. (eds.), Economics of Income Distribution, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2017. (Book Chapter in Chinese)
- Zhou M., Labor’s Share of Income: Another Key to Understand China’s Income Inequality, Springer (eBook ISBN: 978-981-10-0173-4; ISBN: 978-981-10-0172-7), 2016. (Monograph)
- Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Zhou, M., “How Much Influence Does the Chinese State Have Over CEOs and Their Compensation?” Chapter 1, in Jaime Ortega (eds.) International Perspectives on Participation (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Volume 15) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014. (Book Chapter)
- Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Zhou, M., “CEO Incentives in China: Why Does City Location Matter?” Chapter 2, in Jaime Ortega (eds.) International Perspectives on Participation (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, Volume 15) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2014. (Book Chapter)