GEP-China Discussion Paper Series are intended to make results of GEP-China research available to other economists in preliminary form to encourage discussion and suggestions for revision before publication.

GEP-China DP2018/01: Macroprudential Policy and Practice: Introduction (宏观审慎政策及其实践:简介) by Paul Mizen, Margarita Rubio and Philip Turner

Abstract: This introduction briefly reviews the literature on macroprudential policy and the links with monetary policy. It covers the latest theory, recent empirical research and policy analysis. Each of the twelve chapters in the Cambridge University Press book is summarised. (本文简要回顾了宏观审慎政策的相关文献及其与货币政策的联系,其内容涵盖了新近的理论模型、实证研究和政策分析。此文对剑桥大学出版社出版的同名专著中的各章(共计十二章)内容均进行了摘要。)