On 20 December, the 2023 Ningbo Public Culture Team Training Course was successfully completed at the University of Nottingham Ningbo. The training, which was attended by a total of 113 leading cadres and cultural workers from public cultural teams in Ningbo counties and municipalities, was another deepening of the cooperation between UNNC and the local government, and has given new vitality to the grassroots cultural teams in Ningbo through a rich training programme.

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was attended by Mr Jiang Wuji, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, Dr Dong Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the University of Nottingham Ningbo, and Dr Filippo Gilardi, Head of the Department of International Communication of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Nottingham Ningbo.

Dong Gang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of UNNC

At the opening ceremony, Mr Dong Gang introduced the teaching advantages of the University of Nottingham Ningbo's international talent cultivation, and expressed his warm welcome to the head of the public service section of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Ningbo districts, the director of the cultural centre and library in each district, the director of the township comprehensive cultural station, and the representative of the administrators of the rural cultural auditoriums.


Mr Jiang Wuji, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism

Mr Jiang Wu Ji stressed that the city's culture and tourism system will focus on the "cultural power, Ningbo has a play, China tourism, Ningbo opening", do a good job "Ningbo has a play", "Ningbo opening "two articles. In the face of new missions, new tasks, the need to solve new problems, to adapt to the new situation and new changes, it is necessary to learn as a primary task to improve the quality of the performance of their duties, to highlight the study of theory, learning skills, learning regulations, and effectively learn to learn, to learn to promote dry.


Dr Filippo Gilardi, Head of the Department of International Communication of the FHSS of UNNC

At the opening ceremony, Dr Filippo Gilardi introduced the Department of International Communication, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nottingham Ningbo and encouraged the participants to actively collaborate, interact and share experiences, insights and ideas during the training course.

Featured Courses

  The curriculum of this training has fully taken into account the needs of grassroots cultural teams for business learning and work practice, including professional knowledge of public culture, practical content such as horse racing evaluation, and a course selected by Ningnao's faculty, Social Media Content Marketing, which can help trainees understand and master how to carry out effective content marketing under a diversified media environment to enhance the brand image and influence of cultural teams, and learn how to make use of data analysis to understand and predict the needs of the public, so as to better satisfy the public's expectations for cultural experiences and enhance the level of public services provided by the cultural teams.

Field Investigation


The training also incorporated field research, with the trainees travelling to Chengyang Village and Huamao Art Museum. Through personal experience and intuitive observation, the trainees learnt about the cultural characteristics and operation mode of the place, perceived the inheritance and development of folk culture and art more deeply, and at the same time, they could draw inspiration from them to bring new thoughts and insights to their work and enhance their professionalism.