Rutendo Happy Jonga
Supervisor: Simon Appleton, Yifei Cao, Xuyan Lou
Research Interest: Development Economics, Agricultural Economics: Agriculture and Food Value Chains, Food Security, Climate Change
Working paper: Jonga, R. H., Delin, H., Belford, C., & Ahmed, Y. N. (2021). To be or not to be a win-win situation, as Zimbabwe diversifies its agricultural exports in the Chinese market: The GTAP dynamic approach. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 13(2), 106-118.
Presentation: To Be or Not to Be A Win-Win Situation, As Zimbabwe Diversifies Its Agricultural Exports in the Chinese Market: The GTAP Static Approach; at the Symposium on “Small-holder Farms in Market Integration___ Lessons and Experiences from South and East Asia” held at Nanjing Agricultural University in China from 10 to 14 November, 2019.
Xuening Cheng
Supervisor: Zhuo Adam Chen, Xuyan Lou, Lina Song, Qingping Ma
Research Interest: Health economics, particularly related to telehealth and its effect on health behaviours and health inequalities for population group
Working paper: The longer-term effect of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on behaviour change for female sex workers in Senegal
Zengbao Hu
Supervisor: Stuart McDonald, Chee Kian Leong
Research Interest: Environmental Economics, Empirical Economics, China Economy