Career Prospects

The growth of economic awareness has increased the demand for economics graduates. At the University of Nottingham Ningbo China you will acquire a range of economic and transferable skills, enabling you to enter a wide range of careers including those in government, international agencies, private sector organisations and education.

International employers rate our degrees highly and companies that have recruited our graduates in recent years include: 

  • the world's biggest accounting and consultancy firms
  • central banks
  • investment banks
  • asset management companies
  • market research organisations
  • management services
  • government economic and statistical services

Starting salaries for economics graduates are among the highest of all the University's students.

Statistics on Further Study

In 2023, 89% of our graduates chose to further their education and were admitted to some of the world's top universities. Among those who pursued postgraduate studies, 73.9% were admitted to universities ranked within the top 50 globally.

Career Development

On completing our programme, our graduates may find the following potential employees:

  • Investment companies
  • Universities
  • Central banks
  • Business banks
  • Government
  • Non-Government Organizations