Staff Member | Introduction |
Simon Appleton |
I am keen to supervise graduate research of an empirical kind, both microeconometric analysis of surveys and macro cross-country analysis (eg of growth empirics). Most of my supervisees have tended to work on developing countries, and most of my own research experience is with Sub-Saharan Africa and China. I have a particular interest in modelling behaviour at the household level, for example: intra-household allocation, household production, and fertility. I am interested in topics in public economics, for example, health, education, poverty and inequality, and in labour economics, for example, wage determination, unemployment and migration.
Zhuo Chen |
I am interested in supervising graduate research in the area of labor/health economics, applied econometrics, and economics related to emerging economies. I have a particular interest in policy and program evaluation, economics related to precision medicine, economics of prevention and public health, mental health, health disparities, and gender economics.
Paolo Epifani |
I am happy to supervise research in the field of theory and empirics of international trade. Specially, research topics include effects of globalization and trade policy on: domestic and international institutions, international specialization and the geography of economic activity, market structure and mark-ups, the organization of firms and export behavior, income distribution and wage inequality.
David Greenaway |
I am interested in supervising PhD students in topics related to the field of international economics. Specific topics include trade policy, exporting and productivity, globalisation and labour markets, international trade and economic development.
Chee-Ruey Hsieh |
I am interested in supervising PhD students in topics related to the field of health economics, economic development, and other applied microeconomics such as labor economics. My current research areas focus on the supply side of health care market, including physician, hospital and pharmaceutical industry. I also cultivate the research on two important global trends: (1) population ageing, and (2) the rising of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), with the special focus on mental health.
Chang Liu |
I am interested to supervise graduate students in broad areas like the tourism economics, health economics, urban economics focus on urban planning and urban renewal; I am also interested in topics around Belt and Road initiative under the FDI context.
Yifei Cao
I am keen to supervise PhD and Master students in empirical banking studies, including but not limited to the following topics: bank lending, banking stability, macro-prudential policies, sovereign-bank nexus and Chinese banking sector.
Chew Lian Chua
I am keen to supervise students in the areas of applied economics and applied econometrics. In particular, in time series econometrics and applied macroeconometrics.
Jingong Huang
I am interested in supervising students on topics on economic growth, firm productivity, financial and sovereign risk spillovers, international trade, labor market dynamics and any other areas broadly defined as macroeconomics.
Chee Kian Leong
I am happy to supervise research in the field of computational economics and econometrics. In particular, I am interested in agent-based modelling and the applications of data mining techniques in economics.
Tom Lane |
I am keen to supervise students in all areas within experimental and behavioural economics: in particular, experiments focusing on discrimination and social norms.
Zhenjiang Lin |
I would be happy to supervise graduate research in the area of both theoretical and applied macroeconometrics. I am particularly interested in simulation-based and irregular inference methods and numerical optimization methods.
Wai-Heng Loke |
I am keen to supervise PhD and Master’s students in empirical research in International Economics, including international trade, trade policy, trade costs, economics of regional integration, particularly related to the East Asia region, China and Southeast Asia, China’s Belt Road Initiatives.
Xuyan Lou
I am happy to supervise graduate research in topics related to the field of labour economics, health economics and development economics. I am particularly interested in household-related issues, such as education, marriage, and financial decisions.
Stuart McDonald
I am an applied theorist. My research currently focuses on topics to do with industrial organization (anti-trust and competition policy, innovation policy, price discrimination, mixed public/private ownership of companies) and environmental economics (the impact of emissions taxes, standards, permits and quotas on oligopolistic markets and optimal enforcement of environmental regulation). I am will to supervise PhDs and masters students in any of the topics listed above. I prefer theory, but I have worked theses combining theory with experiments and econometric analysis, but such theses require co-supervision with a behavioral economist or an applied microeconomist.
Sinchan Mitra
I am interested in supervising applied research on Development Economics and International Finance.
Xuewen Qian
My main research is in game theory and its applications in economics. In particular, I would be happy to supervise the following areas: rationalizability, implementation theory, mechanism design, network games, matching theory.
Chen Qu
I am interested in graduate research in theoretical game theory and its applications in different fields of economics. My current research focuses on solution concepts defined by using iterated elimination procedures in normal form and extensive form games. I'm also willing to investigate topics in matching and coalition formation with my students. In terms of applications, I would be happy to supervise topics in theories of industrial organization, particularly, cooperative behaviors like patent pooling. I expect to supervise graduate students who have a certain level of mathematical sophistication and abstract reasoning.
Eric M. Scheffel
I conduct my research using methods in time series analysis, computer-assisted numerical analysis as well as optimization with a particular specialization in genetic algorithms and genetic programming. Areas of applications I am particularly interested in are macroeconometrics and financial econometrics.
Chaoyan Wang
I am happy to supervise research students in the broad area of financial economics and asset pricing. I am particularly interested in the topics which related to behavioral finance and the topics incorporating the application of machine learning and big data.
Minghai Zhou
I am keen to supervise graduate research in labour economics, development economics and international economics broadly defined, including income distribution, labour unions, labour migration and CEO labour markets with a focus on China. I am also interested in general topics of Chinese economy and China’s economic system.