
Staff and Family Sport

Wellbeing of staff and families on campus is extremely important to us at UNNC Sport, as it's a chance for staff to keep fit, meet new people and have some fun. We also know it is important in creating a healthy lifestyle, both for now and the future. With the free sports membership, there are a range of UNNC Sport-coordinated classes and sessions for you, such as fitness classes and Climbing, as well as activities organised by non-UNNC Sport staff which we help promote.

UNNC Sport are constantly improving their sporting offer for staff and staff families, but if there is something that isn’t on the list which you would like to see offered, or even take the lead in teaching or coordinating with our help, then please just get in touch with us to see what we can do for you.​​​










Badminton (Kids)







Climbing (Kids)












Football (Kids)



Kung Fu (Kids)



Running Club



Swimming (Kids)



Taiji or ‘Tai Chi’