UNNC prides itself on having talented student athletes compete at city-wide, provincial and even national level competitions, with recent years bringing increasing success to the podiums. We now have the below teams competing as part of our Excel programme.
Excel teams
Archery (Mixed)
Men’s & Women’s Badminton
Men’s & Women’s Basketball
Men’s & Women’s Climbing
Men’s & Women’s Football
Men's & Women's Fencing
Men's & Women's Rowing
Men’s & Women’s Squash
Men’s & Women’s Table Tennis
Men’s & Women’s Tennis
Touch Rugby (Mixed)
Ultimate Frisbee (Mixed)
Men’s & Women’s Volleyball
Woodball (Mixed)
Trials for the teams take place during the start of both semester one and two, giving students opportunities throughout the year to qualify for a place on a UNNC Excel Team.
For more information about Excel teams and athletes please contact Colin Stromsoy, Director of Sport and Physical Education.