External Fellows
Tom Crop

Dr Tom Lane

Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University
Senior Fellow of CeDEx China
BA (Birmingham), MA & PhD (Nottingham) 

Email: Tom.Lane@newcastle.ac.uk


Professor Armenak Antinyan

Professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (Yerevan State University), MA (University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne; University of Venice), PhD (University of Venice)

Email: antinyan.armenak@gmail.com


Dr Lu Dong

Associate Professor, SUSTech Business School, Shenzhen, China
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (University of Nottingham Ningbo China), MSc (University of Nottingham), PhD (University of Nottingham)

Email: donglu@sustech.edu.cn


Dr Cindy Fu

Lecturer, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (Hong Kong Baptist University), MSc (University of Nottingham), PhD (University of Nottingham)

Email: jingcheng.fu@nus.edu.sg


Dr Simin He

Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (Renmin University of China), MSc (Tinbergen Institute), PhD (University of Amsterdam)

Email: he.simin@mail.shufe.edu.cn


Dr Lingbo Huang

Professor of Economics, Center for Economics Research, Shandong University
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (Shanghai Jiaotong University), MSc (University of Nottingham), PhD (University of Nottingham)

Email: lingbo.huang@outlook.com


Dr Xueheng Li

Assistant Professor, Nanjing Audit University
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (Jinan University), MSc (University of Nottingham), PhD (University of Nottingham).

Email: xueheng.li@outlook.com


Dr Di Wang

Assistant Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Fellow of CeDEx China
BSc (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics); MSc (University of Nottingham); PhD (University of Nottingham)

Email: wangd@swufe.edu.cn


Dr Dawei Wei

Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics and Psycholinguistics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University
Fellow of CeDEx China
PhD (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Email: dawei.wei@nottingham.edu.cn


Dr Lian Xue

Assistant Professor, Wuhan University
Fellow of CeDEx China
BBA(Hong Kong Baptist University), MSc (University of Warwick), PhD (University of East Anglia)

Email: LianXue721@163.com


Dr Sookie Zhang

Assistant Professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Fellow of CeDEx China
BA (South-Central University for Nationalities), MSc (Wuhan University), PhD (University of Adelaide)

Email: sookie.xue.zhang@outlook.com


Dr Cheng (Elvis) Xu

Assistant Professor, Xian-Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Fellow of CeDEx China
MSc (Tulane), MPhil (Waseda), PhD (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Email: Cheng.Xu@xjtlu.edu.cn