Executive Committee

Professor Chris Starmer

Director of CeDEx 
BA (Birmingham Polytechnic) MA, PhD (East Anglia)

Email: chris.starmer@nottingham.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 66067
Shravan Luckraz - 120x144

Professor Shravan Luckraz

Director of CeDEx China
BA, B.Soc.Sci (Hons), PhD (National University of Singapore)

Email: Shravan.Luckraz@nottingham.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 (0)574 8818 0000 (ext. 8445)

Professor Lina Song

BA (Xiamen University), PhD (University of Oxford)

Email: Lina.Song@nottingham.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)115 84 66067

Dr Jose Guinot Saporta

Lab Manager for CeDEx and CRIBS
BA, MSc (Universitat Jaume I Castellon), PhD (Reading)

Email: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15458

Dr Saileshsingh Gunessee 

BSc (Mauritius), MSc (Nottingham), PhD (Nottingham)

Email: saileshsingh.gunessee@nottingham.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 (0)574 8818 0000 Ext. 8231
Marcus Roel - 120x144

Dr Marcus Roel

BSc (University of Mannheim), MSc (London School of Economics), PhD (London School of Economics)

Email: Marcus.Roel@nottingham.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 (0)574 8818 0000 Ext. 8856
Shuo Yang - 120x144

Dr Shuo Yang

BA (North China Electronic Power University) MA, PhD (University of Texas at Dallas)

Email: Shuo.Yang@nottingham.edu.cn
Telephone: +86 (0)574 8818 0000 Ext. 8849