
Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China Procedure for the Internal Management of Unified Invoice of Donation for Public Welfare (Trial)


Purpose of Procedure/目的
This purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the issuance and use of Unified Invoice of Donation for Public Welfare (“Donation Invoice”) by Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (“The Foundation”) are compliant with the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, including, but not limited to, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Philanthropy, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Donations for Public Welfare, the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of Invoice for Public Welfare Donations.


Scope of Procedure/适用范围
This procedure applies to the issuance and use of Donation Invoice by The Foundation.

I. Purchase of Donation Invoice /捐赠票据领购

The Invoice Clerk must apply to the Ningbo Municipal Finance Bureau in order to purchase new Donation Invoice. The Invoice Clerk will bring the official Donation Invoice Requisition Certificate to purchase Donation Invoice from the Ningbo Municipal Finance Bureau.

II. Issuance of Donation Invoice/捐赠票据开具

The Foundation Secretariat will share with The Foundation Accountant in writing or by email the duly signed Donation Agreement or any written confirmation with the donor, so upon notice, the Invoice Clerk will issue a Donation Invoice after confirming the following:

The monetary donation has been received in bank and gift in kind physically accepted by recipient.

If the donor is a natural person, the Donation Invoice should be addressed to his / her full name; if a legal entity, the Donation Invoice addressed to its official entity name.

The Invoice Clerk should follow the below instructions when issuing Donation Invoice:

• Each Donation Invoice shall refer to a single donation.
• The title of the Donation Invoice shall be confirmed with donor. Where there is no specific request on donor name on Donation Invoice, if the donor is a non-Chinese national, the name to be addressed to shall be in accordance with his / her identity (e.g. ID card, passport, driver’s license); if an overseas legal entity, it should be same as its entity name. Otherwise, Donation Invoice should be issued in Chinese.
• If the gift is by means of monetary, the actual currency and amount received should be recorded in Donation Invoice; if gift in kind is accepted, the category of gift in kind should be reflected and a checklist needs to be attached with confirmation of actual receipt by recipient.
• The Donation Invoice should be issued in strict accordance with the time limits, and procedures stipulated in the applicable regulations.
• The Donation Invoice should be in triplicate form - the first form is the Donation Invoice stub kept by the Finance Office, the second form is the Donation Invoice form provided to the donor and the third form is kept by the Finance Office for accounting records. The Invoice Clerk will retain the stub for future reference; the recipient will use the Donation Invoice form as the invoice for payment and tax deduction; and the Finance Office will use the third form as a primitive invoice for book keeping.

III. Finance Seal/财务专用章

The Finance Office will be responsible for maintaining and safeguarding the Foundation’s Finance Seal. The original Donation Invoice will be double-checked by Foundation Accountant and be stamped with the Foundation’s Finance Seal. The Invoice Clerk will be responsible for updating Donation Invoice register book


IV. Donation Invoice Issued By Mistake/错误开具的捐赠票据

If a Donation Invoice is issued by mistake or rejected by the donor, it can be invalidated and re-issued after approval from the Foundation Secretariat and the Finance Office. The original Donation Invoice form should be returned to the Finance Office. After the Invoice Clerk checks, stamps “Void” seal on the original Donation Invoice and updates the Donation Invoice register book immediately, The Donation Invoice can be re-issued in accordance with the above mentioned steps.


V. Maintenance of Donation Invoice/捐赠票据保管

The Invoice Clerk will be responsible for maintaining and safeguarding Donation Invoice. Written report will be requested and provided to finance bureau on the day Donation Invoice is lost, and publish an announcement in the newspaper to clarify the lost Donation Invoice is invalid.
The Invoice Clerk should custodian Donation Invoice by following the requirement from the tax authority. The stubs of the Donation Invoice issued and the Donation Invoice register book should be kept permanently.


VI. Records of Donation Invoice/捐赠票据记录

The Invoice Clerk will be responsible for maintaining and safeguarding the Donation Invoice register book, which will be updated based on the actual usage, such as Donation Invoice number, status, title, and amount. Foundation Secretariat will review the Donation Invoice register book regularly per internal control requirement.


Unified Invoice of Donation for Public Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the “Donation Invoices”): refers to invoices issued to natural persons, legal persons and other organizations making donations by the people's governments at all levels and their departments, public welfare institutions, public welfare social organizations and other public welfare organizations (hereinafter referred to as the “public welfare entities”) when they legally accept the public welfare donations under the principles of free will and gratuitousness.
Donation invoices shall be valid certificates when donors making external donations apply for pre-tax deduction for donations according to relevant provisions of the state.
Invoice Clerk: The Invoice Clerk is an employee as designated by Finance Office of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.