
Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China Regulation for Certificate Management (Trial)



The rules are set to enhance the certificate management, ensure the legality, authority, effectiveness and safety of the certificates of the Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (“The Foundation”).

第一条       《基金会法人登记证书》正、副本由专人负责保管。

Article 1: The original version and copy of the Foundation Legal Entity Certificate shall be kept by a designated person.

第二条       管理人员必须认真负责、妥善保管、忠于职守,不得伪造、涂改、损毁、出借、转让、出租。

Article 2: The certificate administrator shall fulfil his/her duty to keep the certificate, and may not counterfeit, alter, destroy, lend, transfer and lease the certificate to others.

第三条       登记证书上所记载的事项发生变更时,必须及时上报登记管理机关申请更换。

Article 3: Apply to the registration authority for certificate update, if items on the certificate are changed. 

第四条       证书如有遗失或污损,必须及时向秘书长汇报,并向登记管理机关申请补领、更换。对于证书遗失还要在报刊上刊登遗失作废声明。

Article 4: If the certificate is lost or defiled, report to the Secretary-General of the Foundation immediately, and apply to the registration authority for a new one. If the certificate is lost, the Foundation shall also issue a statement on newspaper, to declare the certificate void.

第五条       本规定自下发之日起执行。

Article 5: All articles come into effect as of the date of issuance.



Education Foundation of theUniversity of Nottingham Ningbo China


Jan, 2019