

机械、材料与制造工程系 / 理工学院
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香港理工大学 博士 

北京航空航天大学 学士


任勇博士在香港理工大学获得机械工程专业博士学位。曾在香港理工大学机械工程系任助理研究员,后在香港大学机械工程系微流体与软物质课题组任博士后。在微流控乳化制备功能性材料、热流耦合、多相流、微尺度非牛顿流变特性方面有多年研究经验。研究方向包括分叉微流控系统中液滴分裂机理与乳化制备微粒性能的研究;微通道中流固耦合效应对微胶囊流动、释放特性的影响及在给药系统的应用;开发多孔复合功能材料用于水处理;多尺度热效应对相变材料制备微胶囊释放特性的影响;微流控乳化制备功能性吸附剂用于碳捕获及储存。主持包括国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、宁波市自然科学基金等5项科研项目。参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目气液固三相流鼓泡反应器中介尺度固液湍流与气泡诱导湍流耦合与调控机理研究等3项国家、市级科研项目。在Scientific Reports、Lab on a chip、Biomedical Microdevices、Chemical Engineering Journal、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Computers and Fluids、 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics等期刊发表20多篇论文,主编多相流传热传质英文书籍1部,微流控在能源环境领域应用英文书籍1部。担任Advanced Functional Materials、Scientific Reports、Chemical Engineering Science等期刊审稿人。入选2017年度宁波市领军拔尖人才培养计划。任博士是美国机械工程师协会会员。



  • 热力学与流体力学1(MM1TF1);
  • 设计与制造1 (MM1DM1);
  • 设计与制造2(MM2DM2);
  • 管理学1(MM2MN1);
  • Matlab计算机编程(MM1CPM);
  • 机电原理(MM2EMD);
  • 毕业设计 


  • 微流控用于循环肿瘤细胞富集检测的研究
  • 用于水处理的功能化微纳米材料制备研究
  • 用于碳捕获储存的微胶囊吸附材料开发


  • 聚合物对之间热传递研究
  • 电动车新悬挂系统设计与分析
  • 轻型模具挤塑过程数值模拟
  • 航空航天器组件一致性工具开发
  • 微成形建模与模拟
  • 分叉微通道中液滴裂解的数值研究
  • 微拉伸成型工艺的数值建模和模拟分析
  • 用于污水处理的功能性微颗粒的制备研究


  • 担任以下本科生课程的教学助理(香港理工大学)
  • 产品建模、模拟和分析(教学助理)
  • 包装与组装设计(教学助理)
  • 工程热力学(教学助理)
  • 传热与传质(教学助理)
  • 计算流体动力学(教学助理)


  • 超低界面张力下双水相微系统非牛顿流体动力学
  • 微型设备乳状液合成,用于生物材料制备、药物包封和药物释放
  • 离心微流体流动与混合在细胞培养和裂解中的应用
  • 微流体系统中的细胞/颗粒分选
  • 渗流细胞反应及其在在组织工程和创伤敷料中的应用
  • 微米/纳米纤维用于亚微米气溶胶过滤的研究
  • 涡轮冷却技术
  • 微通道中的传热与传质
  • 水处理检测的生物芯片研究
  • 乳状液为模板制备功能性材料用于碳捕获
  • 微拉伸成型工艺及其在功能性材料制备领域的应用 

奖项 / 专利

Research grant and awards

  1. Droplet fission and emulsion templated microparticle mechanics in bifurcated bilayer microfluidic system, funded by Young Scientist Programme, Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC51506103/E0605), participated as principal investigator;
  2. Synthesis of magnetic particle/polydimethylsiloxane porous functional material for water purification using microfluidic step emulsification and magnetorheology technology, funded by Young Scientist Programme, Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation (Q15E090001), participated as principal investigator;
  3. Multiscale thermal effect on release kinetics of microfluidic double emulsion for drug delivery using phase change material, funded by Ningbo Natural Science Foundation (2015A610281), participated as principal investigator;
  4. Investigation on gas-liquid-solid three phase flow coupled with meso-scale solid-liquid turbulence and bubble induced turbulence in bubble column reactors, funded by Key and Major Scheme, Natural Science Foundation of China, participated as co-investigator;
  5. Research on enhancement of heat transfer of gasoline direct injection engine and vehicle adaptability, funded by Ningbo International Cooperative Scheme, Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau, participated as team member;
  6. Innovation Team on thermal management of low carbon vehicle, funded by Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau, participated as team member;
  7. Biosensor for waste water treatment and detection, funded by Sandpit Research Grant of UNNC, participated as co-investigator;
  8. Centrifugal microfluidics, funded by Hong Kong Research Grant Council (GRF/B-Q15S), participated as team member


Book Chapter

  1. Y. Ren, K. S. Koh, and Y. P. Zhang, Synthesis of Functional Materials by Non-Newtonian Microfluidic Multiphase System, Applications of Microfluidics, InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-4623-0

Refereed Journal Paper

  1. Y. Chan, L. Xia, Y. Ren, L.D. Li, and Y.T. Chen, A coupled velocity and temperature problem of the extruded spinning column in a micro-extrusion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2016) 103: 965-973
  2. Y. Chan, J.J. Wylie, L. Xia, Y. Ren, and Y.T. Chen, Modeling of particle-laden flow inside nanomaterials, Proceedings Royal Society A (2016) 472: 20160289
  3. C. K. M. Ip, S. S. Li, M. Y. H. Tang, S. K. H. Sy, Y. Ren, H. C. Shum, and A. S. T. Wong, Stemness and chemoresistance in epithelial ovarian carcinoma cells under shear stress, Scientific Reports (2016)  6:26788
  4. Y. Ren and W.W.F. Leung, Numerical investigation of cell encapsulation for multiplexing diagnostic assays using novel centrifugal microfluidic emulsification and separation platform, Micromachines (2016) 7(2): 17
  5. Y. Chan and Y. Ren, Effects of surface charges on the seawater desalination using functionalized grapheme, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (2016) 04(04):602-607
  6. Y. Chan, L. Xia, Y. REN, and Y.T. Chen, Multi-scale modelling on PM2.5 encapsulation inside doubly-layered graphene, Micro & Nano Letters (2015) 10(12): 696-699.
  7. Y. Ren, Z. Liu, and H.C. Shum, Breakup dynamics and dripping-to-jetting transition in a shear-thinning/Newtonian multiphase microsystem, Lab on a Chip (2015) 15(1): 121-134.
  8. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Scale-up on mixing in rotating microchannel under subcritical and supercritical operating modes, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer (2014) 77: 157-172.
  9. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Micro-chamber Mass and Heat Transfer, Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME (2014) 136(8): 080918.
  10. Y. Ren and W.W.F. Leung, Flow and mixing in rotating zigzag microchannel, Chemical Engineering Journal (2013) 215-216: 561–578.
  11. Y. Ren and W.W.F. Leung, Numerical and experimental investigation on flow and mixing in batch-mode centrifugal microfluidics, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer (2013) 60: 95-104.
  12. Y. Ren, L.M.C. Chow and W.W.F. Leung, Cell culture using centrifugal microfluidic platform with demonstration on Pichia pastoris, Biomedical Microdevices (2013) 15:321-337.
  13. Y. Ren and W.W.F. Leung, Vortical flow and mixing in rotating milli- and micro-chambers, Computers and Fluids (2013) 79: 150-166.
  14. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Crossflow and mixing in obstructed and width-constricted rotating radial microchannel, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer (2013) 64: 457-467.


Recent papers at Conferences, Workshops & Seminars

  1. W.S.L. Wah, Y.T. Chen, Y. Chan, and Y. Ren, Distinguishing damage effects from temperature effects for damage detection of civil structures, The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM16) /The 2016 Structures Congress (Structures16), August 28– September 1, 2016, ICC JEJU, Jeju Island, Korea.
  2. Y. Ren, Y. Chan, L.D. Li, T. Wu, and Y.T. Chen, Numerical investigation of polymer melt flow and heat transfer in phase change driven micro-extrusion process,  International Heat Transfer Symposium and the Heat Powered Cycles Conference, June 26 – 29, 2016, Nottingham, UK.
  3. Y. Ren, and K.S. Koh, Droplet fission in non-Newtonian multiphase system using bilayer bifurcated microchannel, ASME 2016 5th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference (MNHMT-16), Jan 3-6, 2016, Singapore.
  4. Y. Ren, Numerical investigation of thermally triggered release kinetics of double emulsion for drug delivery using phase change material, ICFMT 17th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics,  June 4-5, 2015, New York, USA.
  5. Y. Ren, D.J. Ye, J. Hao, and Y.P. Zhang, Numerical investigation of polymer extrusion for the optimized mould design and manufacturing control, International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Design (ICMMD 2014), December 26-28, 2014, Hong Kong.
  6. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Supercritical and subcritical modes in mixing in rotating microchannel, in proceedings of 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA, Nov 16-21, 2014, paper no. 14AIChE-377215.
  7. Y.Ren, and H.C. Shum, Folding of viscous thread in non-Newtonian multiphase microsystem, in proceedings of 1st International Conference on Micro & Nanofluidics Fundamentals and Applications, May 18-21, 2014, University of Twente, Netherlands.
  8. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer in passages for jet impingement in cooling of rotating turbine blade, in proceedings of ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, San Diego, US, paper no. IMECE2013-65531.
  9. Y. Ren and W.W.F. Leung, Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of improved mixing from both Coriolis effect and Görtler vortices in rotating zigzag microchannel, in proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Denver, USA, Nov 11-17, 2011, paper no. IMECE2011-64712.
  10. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Mixing in a rotating microchannel, in proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Vancouver, Canada, Nov 12-18, 2010, paper no. IMECE2010-40174.
  11. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, A numerical model on secondary flow and mixing in rotating microfluidics, in proceedings of ASME 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannel, Microchannel and Millichannel, Montreal, Canada, Aug 1-5, 2010, paper no. FEDSM-ICNMM2010-31060, p. 921-926.
  12. W.W.F. Leung and Y. Ren, Experimental investigation on flow and mixing in rotating microfluidics, in proceedings of ASME 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannel, Microchannel and Millichannel, Montreal, Canada, Aug 1-5, 2010, paper no. FEDSM-ICNMM2010-31059, p. 1313-1317.

Conference Oral Presentations as Invited Session Keynote Speaker

  1. Numerical investigation of polymer melt flow and heat transfer in phase change driven micro-extrusion process, International Heat Transfer Symposium and the Heat Powered Cycles Conference, June 26 – 29, 2016, Nottingham, UK
  2. Droplet fission in non-Newtonian multiphase system using bilayer bifurcated microchannel, ASME 2016 5th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference (MNHMT-16), Jan 3-6, 2016, Singapore

Invited Talks

  1. Numerical investigation of cell encapsulation for multiplexing diagnostic assays using novel centrifugal microfluidic emulsification and separation platform, June 2, 2016, University of Wollongong, Australia
  2. Bifurcated bilayer microfluidic device for droplet fission, 5th International Conference on Optofluidics, July,2015, Taipei
  3. Cell culture using centrifugal microfluidic technology, BIT 3rd Annual Conference and EXPO of AnalytiX 2014, Theme: Push the limits in Analytical Sciences, April, 2014, Dalian, China

科研项目 / 研究基金


1. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目, LY19E060001, 变形分叉微通道中流固耦合效应对微胶囊流动、释放特性的影响及在给药系统的应用, 2019/01-2021/12, 10万元, 在研,主持

2. 浙江省自然科学基金青年基金,LQ19F050003,采用表面等离子体技术增强波分复用光纤布拉格光栅传感器瞬逝场的具备实时检测、多点成像性能的生物传感器的研究,2019/01–2021/12,10万元,在研,参加

3. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目, NSFC21761132026, 气液固三相流鼓泡反应器中介尺度气固相干,固液湍流与气泡诱导湍流耦合与调控, 2018/01-2020/12, 直接费用180万元,在研,参加

4. 宁波市科技计划项目社发重大项目,2017C510001,室内空气污染净化技术创新团队, 2017/01-2019/12, 100万元, 在研,参加

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, NSFC51506103, 分叉双层微流控系统中液滴分裂机理与乳化制备微粒性能的研究, 2016/01-2018/12, 直接费用 20万元,结题,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目, NSFC91534118,气液固三相流鼓泡反应器中介尺度固液湍流与气泡诱导湍流耦合与调控机理研究,2016/01-2018/12, 直接费用 67


7. 宁波市自然科学基金项目,2015A610281,多尺度热效应对相变材料制备微流体双乳液释放特性的影响及其在给药体系的应用,2015/05-2017/04,5万元, 结题,主持

8. 浙江省自然科学基金青年基金项目,LQ15E090001,应用磁颗粒/聚二甲基硅氧烷多孔复合功能材料的新型污水处理技术,2015/01-2017/12,5万元, 结题,主持