PE test 1_medium

All Year 1 and Year 2 Chinese Mainland students must undertake a fitness test

Ministry of Education

As part of the Ministry of Education’s (MoE) requirements, all Year 1 and Year 2 Chinese Mainland students must undertake a fitness test as part of their PE programme assessment. To make the fitness test seem achievable and less daunting, our UNNC Sport Staff undertook each of the activities that students will have to undertake. 

PE staff take on the MoE Fitness Challenge


The fitness test compromises of the following activities:

Fitness Test Activitites

Height, Weight, Eye Test, Lung Capacity, Standing Long Jump, Sitting Body Flexion, Pull-Ups, 50 Meter Sprint, 1000m run

 Female Height, Weight, Eye Test, Lung Capacity, Standing Long Jump, Sitting Body Flexion, Sit-Ups, 50 Meter Sprint, 800m run

If you have any questions about the PE fitness test, please contact Winnie Xu, Adminstration Coordinator.