
Sports Membership


 The Sports Membership System is in place to serve several key purposes:

  • It allows members to book facilities and sessions more reliably, providing a better and easier experience overall
  • It allows UNNC Sport to be able to effectively gather data and report on both its members and their usage, so we can better identify what facilities and/or programs work well, so we can aim to improve things for the future
  • It allows a greater level of control over access and attendance, so bookings are fair for everyone.

The system will allow you to book your place on our Engage classes, book facilities, join sports clubs, and sign up to events, whilst also providing you with key information and news about the Sports Centre.

The new UNNC Sports Membership System is FREE and will work as a We Chat mini program – you can scan the below QR Code (below) to register and get started. As part of the registration process, you will need to submit an ID-worthy photo of yourself. Once this has been approved online by Sports Centre staff, your account is live and you can start using it straightaway. 

App Registration QR Code_medium
Scan me on WeChat to sign up as a member



Learning Resources

In addition to being able to book our facilities and onto different sessions and events, the Sports Membership app also has a learning resources section where you can view a range of training programmes, fitness tutorials, gym equipment user guides, adventure sports videos, bouldering routes and sports skill videos. For more information on this fantastic learning resource, please watch the following video:


Learning Resources


If you have any questions or queries about the Sports Membership App please contact Sports Management.