Student's Work Page

Click the following links to download ABE Yearbooks:

ABE 21/22-22/23 Yearbook

ABE 23/24 Yearbook

The initial three-year (following the preliminary year) course introduces at a theoretical level the humanities, sciences and technologies that inform the making of the built environment and therefore enables students to design buildings within a cultural, social and technical context.

The architecture programme at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC) is offered as a four-year course which includes a preliminary year followed by a typical three-year undergraduate programme. The preliminary year is aimed at students from China, or non-English speaking countries, to prepare them to follow their degree programme in English.

Arch Yearbook 202021
Arch Yearbook 201920



Field trips

There's no substitute for taking some of the learning outside the classroom. Every year, our department organises many national, or international, field trips that inspire and educate our students.

Field study trips abroad are seen as an essential component of architectural education, and all our first-year BEng students spend time on a week-long trip to Europe encouraged by the department. Short two and three-day international study trips are also available to third and fourth-year students as part of their main studio project, and longer international field trips are open to all students in the department.
