The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC) has a wide range of facilities and resources available for both staff and students.
The Department of Architecture and Built Environment provides students with the opportunity to meaningfully engage with a diversity of engineering disciplines in parallel with their architectural studies. These synergies encourage students in developing the conceptual and technical skills required to explore dynamic connections between art and architecture creatively. The course and proposed workshops aim to develop the students' creative potential and talent set as a means of becoming a more rounded professional.
The structure of the programme is centred on the design studio, which is supported by several theoretical and technical subjects. Design studios at each level are organised to allow students to develop creative, intellectual and technical understanding and skills to solve spatial challenges. The programme employs a variety of teaching and learning techniques to foster originality and creativity. These methods include lectures from staff and guest lecturers, creative workshops, seminars, group and individual work, learning by doing and learning from places.
Studios/workshops/teaching room
The Department of Architecture and Built Environment offers excellent conditions for both staff and students. Available to both are two architecture design studios, fully equipped model making and digital fabrication workshops, including 3D scanning and printing, laser cutting, five-axis CNC, vacuum forming, foam cutters and more. IT suites, electronic, mechanics, environmental/geology and material test labs can also be accessed if needed. Also available, in our Administration Building, is our ever-expanding library with one of the largest, and most up-to-date, stocks of English-speaking books and journals in the region.
Our teaching rooms are also fully equipped with:
- Audio-visual (AV) equipment, facilities and support;
- Lecture capture system;
- Video conferencing;
- Language learning support.
Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET)
The focus of research for the Centre is new and renewable energy systems and components for both domestic (housing), and non-domestic (commercial and public) buildings. The facilities in the laboratory include a climate chamber, thermal testing lab for materials and components, laser particle analyser, low carbon construction material development systems, façade testing facility, daylight and solar modelling lab, wind tunnel facility and a weather station.
The overall mission of the Centre is to provide solutions to problems arising from sustainability issues relating to the environment, engineering and technology and thus supporting continuing endeavours to improve the ecology. The Centre also runs postgraduate courses and carries out consultancy, training programmes for industries and public awareness activities.
For further information, please visit the CSET website