An ORCID® iD is a unique identifier which can be added to a wide range of research material including grants, research outputs and datasets to ensure your work is attributed to you and distinguishable from that of other researchers.

ORCID is a NGO with over 1 Million ORCID iDs registered around the world. The ORCID iD belongs to you the researcher, and all your work will remain associated with you wherever your career takes you.


How do I get an ORCID iD?

To create your ORCID iD, and for more information, please visit the ORCID website.

Useful tips on setting up and using an ORCID ID are also available on the ORCID support site.

How to sync with other research IDs?

Here at Nottingham we recognise the wide range of potential uses of ORCID iDs. All academic and research staff at the University must register for an ORCID iD and include it in their research outputs wherever possible.

ORCID iDs can be synced with other research IDs, for example Scopus so that you can centralize your research outputs in one common place.

6.3.2 ORCID link works

6.3.2 ORCID  scopus