ABE TALKS: Permanence in metropolitan delta landscape
31 May 2022
The Yangtze River Delta has had a long tradition of land reclamation, poldering, and intensive agriculture, which have consistently shaped its delta landscape. Recent decades' accelerated industrialization and urbanization have overlapped historical landscape structures almost completely with generic and functional approaches to land use. To explore a more integrative and resilient delta urbanization model, we develop a typological approach to restructuring historical landscape structures as permanent forms for the local development of agriculture intensification, new housing, infrastructures, and blue-green open space systems.
Time: Wednesday 1 June, 2022. 17:00 - 18:30
Venue: Multifunctional Room 03, Library, UNNC
Speaker: Dr. Yuting Xie | Zhejiang University
Dr. Yuting Xie is a lecturer at the Institute of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang University in China. She is the director of the China Urban Landscape Lab at the Technical University of Munich, which dedicates to landscape character assessment and landscape typology research in rapidly urbanizing areas and corresponding landscape protection, renewal, and critical reconstruction strategies. In 2019, Dr. Xie co-founded a collaborative research platform-Jiangnan Lab, using "regional design" as a tool for bringing cross-sector spatial planning, landscape architecture, urban design, and multi-level governance together in the Yangtze River Delta Integration process.