The international urbanism exhibition“Horizontal Metropolis Yangtze River Delta: Entangling Capitals”will be held from November 18 to December 10, 2023, at the Planning Exhibition Hall of Hangzhou West Railway Station. The concept of Horizontal Metropolis defines processes of conveying urbanity in diffuse and extended metropolitan territories characterized by horizontality (the idea of a more diffuse, isotropic urban condition, where center and periphery blur). The exhibition aims to expand the knowledge and understanding of the urban transition in the Yangtze River Delta mega-urban region by studying the distribution and accessibility of social and cultural, ecological and environmental capital, and economic and energetic capital. Thus, this exhibition will formulate new urban models and translate scientific interdisciplinary results to non-specialized audiences.
Download the brochure of the exhibition.
1 Content
01 Physical models
Room 1
The physical models of the Horizontal Metropolis are design investigations combining models and axonometric representations at the dimensional size of the 12-foot (3.65 x 3.65 m) scale model of Broadacre City, elaborated by Frank Lloyd Wright as a conceptual reference. The models define a research protocol for exploring ecological and economic transition in space and mitigation strategies for climate change challenges. This exhibition will feature physical models from ten different regions, including Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nantong, Ningbo, and Suzhou in the Yangtze River Delta and Hong Kong in China; Lausanne and Valais in Switzerland; Boston in the USA; Venice in Italy.
Physical models of metropolitan landscapes
02 Cartographic atlases
Room 1
The conception of the Horizontal Metropolis atlases reflects a stratified effort of interpretation resulting in a process of partition and explicit selection of elements attempting to constitute similar biographies of ten different places according to five main thematic subjects: urbanization, mobility, water, production, and ecology. Each atlas of a Horizontal Metropolis is subdivided into regional, urban, and local three scales, each corresponding to a specific territorial perspective.
03 Chinese Countryside in Practice: Exploratory Grounds
Room 2
This part aims to portray the consolidation of the contemporary Chinese architectural narrative and design firms’ agency in reshaping the diffuse metropolitan countryside of the Yangtze River Delta by showcasing selected 30 projects recently built. It translates into tangible realities the scenarios envisioned in the Horizontal Metropolis Yangtze River Delta Exhibition, indirectly contributing to foregrounding the collective imaginary for the metropolis of entangled capitals and common prosperity.
04 Webinars
Talent Reception Hall,2nd Floor
Horizontal Metropolis Yangtze River Delta: Entangling Capitals. Formal Opening.
Sat 2023.11.18 14:00-18:00
Meeting ID: 453 017 894 787
Architecture in the fields: Agency and Intermediation for a Common Prosperity
Sat 2023.11.25 16:00-18:00
Meeting ID: 440 245 633 187
Beyond Urbanization, between Horizontalism and Entanglisation: Exploratory Paths
Sat 2023.12.02 15:00-18:00
Meeting ID: 413 720 273 741
Idealizing Rural: Media multi-narratives between metro-fitting and retroactive pastoralism
Sat 2023.12.09 18:00-20:00
Meeting ID: 481 615 712 687
Passcode: XNKNAP
What’s Countryside? People Stories
Sun 2023.12.10 18:00-20:00
Meeting ID: 464 500 854 710
Passcode: x9UxxD
05 Film Screening
Talent Reception Hall,2nd Floor
The imaginary of the Horizontal Metropolis has been further developed through three different levels of interpretation, “Theories,” “Landscapes,” and “Practices,” corresponding to three thematic series of videos.
“Theories” attempts to show the“Horizontal Metropolis” from scientific and worldly acknowledged intellectual positions.“Landscapes”describes the selected metropolises, capturing the materiality of landscape ecological and urban patterns through aerial views.“Practices” portrays the metropolitan citizens describing their living and working styles.
“A Chat”, Wang Xide, PARALLAX Films
Screeening and conversation with Wang Xide and Q&A
Sun 2023.11.19 14:00-17:00 (online: 16:15-17:00)
Meeting ID: 493 474 314 470
“Vanishing Days,” Zhu Xin, Midnight Blur Films & Midday Hill Films
Screening and conversation with Zhu Xin,Film Director of "Vanishing Days"
Sun 2023.11.26 14:00-17:00 (online: 16:15-17:00)
Meeting ID: 443 034 712 060
“In Search of Echo”, Zhang Chi, Skyline Media co.
Sun 2023.12.03 14:00-17:00 (online: 16:15-17:00)
Meeting ID: 495 318 774 035
“We Were Smart,” Li Yifan, Mukou Cultural / Tencent News
“Practices” portrays the metropolitan citizens describing their living and working styles.
Sun 2023.12.10 14:00-17:00
Meeting ID: 470 244 555 846
2 Information
Andrea Palmioli, Paola Viganò
Eugenio Mangi, Yuting Xie, Qinyi Zhang
Curatorial Board
Yifei Bian, Levi Dean, Filippo Gilardi, Bao Haijun, Hongyan Li, Su Yimin, Yijia Zhang, Zhaoyu Zhu
Exhibition Time
Exhibition Venue
Planning Exhibition Hall, 2nd Floor Hangzhou West Railway Station
Exhibition Open hours
Tuesday to Saturday 09:00-17:00
3 Host Institutions
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Architecture and Built Environment
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of International Communications
École polytechnique fédérale de lausanne
School of Architecture,Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC-EPFL)
Urban Innovation Lab
Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies (IAPS)
4 Partner Institutions
International Development Base of Ningbo’s CCI
Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai
Consulate General of the Republic of Italy in Shanghai
Italian Cultural Institute of Shanghai (IIC)
Association of Italian Academics in China (AAIIC)
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang University
School of Spatial Planning and Design Hangzhou City University (HCU)
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)
Hangzhou West Station Hub Development CO.LTD
版权声明 Copyright
Professor Paola Viganò, ENAC,
Ècole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Dr Andrea Palmioli, University of Nottingham Ningbo China