Martin Brozovsky

Health & Fitness Manager

Sport Department
Staff Profile Portrait Image



Room 113-1, UNNC Sport


University of Nottingham Ningbo China


199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China


+86 (0)574 8818 8975


Favourite Sport(s) / Sporting Activities

Squash, Tennis, Cycling, Climbing, Skiing, and any activities outdoors!

Any Sporting Success or Qualifications you are proud of?

As a junior, I made it to the National Athletics Championship after being second in my region for 100m.

Achieved the highest-ranking of 65th for Squash in the Czech Republic.

What do you like about working at UNNC Sport?

"I like working at UNNC as it gives me the perfect opportunity to use my knowledge and skills in various sports to better advance students as athletes and develop staff within the gym. I also love the whole team in the Sports Department. They are a pleasure to work with and make it enjoyable to come into work each day"