From 6 June to 8 August, every Monday from 4-5pm, free and online
The rise of mobile has led to a world where almost everyone is able to go mobile. Many of our activities as humans have been optimised to be mobile, anytime and anywhere. Our mobile lifestyle is dominated by mobile media, mobile communications, mobile content, and mobile experiences. Furthermore, it has led to a mobile working environment, where almost all work activities can be done in a mobile way, including mobile governance, mobile storytelling, mobile health, mobile learning, mobile commerce, and mobile propaganda, to name a few.
But how to thrive in a mobile world? How to benefit from a mobile lifestyle? How to stay productive in a mobile working environment? From 6 June to 8 August, every Monday for one hour (4-5pm), you are invited to participate in our Mobile Studies Summer School (online) to work together to find all these answers.
The third Mobile Studies Summer School (MSSS2022) is an annual event hosted by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. It provides participants with the latest knowledge and skills related to mobile media and communication. The summer school lasts ten weeks and has ten weekly topics.
The summer school consists of two parts: online talks and offline self-study and research. Through these ten weeks , students will learn how to use mobile media to enhance city storytelling, village storytelling, and corporate storytelling; how to study mobile games, mobile music and mobile films; mobile marketing and mobile propaganda; how to enhance mobile health communication, mobile advertising, mobile news storytelling, mobile learning; how to map, measure and model mobile experience; and how to use mobile communication research theory and methods to study the processes and effects of mobile media and communication.
You will be issued a certificate after you complete the program.
To register, please click here