2021/22 Careers and Employability Report

A survey of the 2022 UNNC graduates recruited through the Chinese National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) shows that the employment rate for the cohort was as high as 95.3% (based on a 100% response rate from 1663 graduates). 87.2% of the 2022 graduates went on to further study, 7.8% went directly to work, 0.2% were engaged in freelance work and 0.1% founded their own businesses.

Based on incomplete statistics from the Careers and Employability Service, the average monthly income before tax for undergraduates is 13,813 RMB, and the median monthly income before tax is 11,667 RMB. Big data from Zhaopin Ltd shows that the average starting salary of  2022 new graduates nation wide is 6507 RMB (Data Source: Zhaopin Ltd). Clearly our graduates have a significant advantage. Of the graduates working in foreign and joint ventures, 92.0% are employed by global industry leaders such as Deloitte, PWC, KPMG, Accenture, Ernst & Young, and Baidu. Among the graduates who chose to work in private enterprises, 84.2% work in industry leaders, listed companies, and well-known domestic companies, such as Alipay, Alibaba and ByteDance.

For postgraduate students of Class 2021, the employment rate is 95.0%. 86.6% were direct to work, 0.9% were engaged in freelance work, 6.9% were pursuing further education, and 0.6% were engaged in self start-up companies. For postgraduates who worked directly after graduation, about 94% go to state-owned enterprises, government agencies, public institutions, Fortune 500 companies or well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises, including Ubisoft Entertainment, Pfizer Inc., Amazon, PayPal, Deloitte, Geely, Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company, Export-Import Bank of China as well as local governments and education bureaus.  

The doctoral graduates are employed in diverse industries and especially favoured by colleges and universities. 69.4% of our doctoral graduates are employed in universities and colleges in teaching and research positions. 16.3% of our graduates are engaged in public institutions, scientific research and design institutions, and medical and health units. Another 14.3% of Ph.D. graduates went to work in enterprises. The rate of our 2021 doctoral graduates entering famous enterprises is 100%.

UNNC students have an extremely high international vision and capability, have the initiative to think, and have the courage to express their different opinions, which is very impressive. UNNC students also have strong organizational skills to help companies carry out campus talks very smoothly and are trustworthy. UNNC graduates have been highly recognized by our departments and look forward to seeing more UNNC students joining Deloitte! Thanks to UNNC's open and inclusive school-enterprise cooperation attitude, as well as the caring and dedicated CES staff, we are very happy in the whole cooperation process!

- Della HUANG, HR Manager, Deloitte Hangzhou & Ningbo

According to the latest statistics, 27.4% of International and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan graduates chose to stay in China for further education or employment whereas 72.6% chose to study and work overseas. Employers include renowned companies both globally and in China, such as PwC (UK), KPMG (Netherlands), Dell Technologies (USA), Gucci (Italy) , ICBC and China Civil Engineering Construction Cooperation.

UNNC has been dedicated to providing students with comprehensive, professional and tailored-made guidance. Up to now, 800 renowned domestic and foreign enterprises have registered on the career system of the university, and have developed long-term cooperative links with UNNC. In addition, the Careers and Employability Service has held about 60 information sessions for enterprises and job fairs with about 610 positions, providing plenty of opportunities for graduates. For students who want to continue their studies, the university also provides systematic and comprehensive guidance, such as one-to-one guidance and alumni sharing sessions, to open up the path for students to apply for prestigious universities.   

For more information, download the full report.