UNNC Registration Procedures
These procedures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations Governing Registration – The University of Nottingham Ningbo China and No. 41 Order of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China - Regulations on Student Administration in Higher Education Institutions (中华人民共和国教育部令第41号:普通高等学校学生管理规定).
A student will be recorded as a registered student if all procedures/requirements listed below are satisfied. A student is not allowed to be registered if any of the below requirements is not met unless specifically exempted.
1. New Student Registration Procedures
1.1 In order to complete the formal registration process, new students must:
(a) Make full payment of tuition fees and miscellaneous fees;
(b) Provide, check for accuracy and completeness the information held by the University regarding their relevant personal details and about their programme of study, and amend such information as necessary, using an approved method;
(c) Confirm that they will obey the Ordinances and Regulations of the University which are in force during their period of study, including those governing the payment of fees and other sums due to the University, those governing progress in studies, attendance and conduct, and those covering the use of University Computer Facilities;
(d) Complete online registration;
(e) Be present and provide the offer letter and personal identity document at a University registration event, unless specifically exempted from such attendance.
1.2 The official registration day and the final registration deadline date for new students will be communicated through the offer packages, university website, application hub and emails.
1.3 New students who are unable to complete the in-person registration process on the official registration date are required to apply in advance for late registration from the Academic Services Office. If approved, the registration date can be extended for a maximum of two weeks from the 1st teaching day. Students arriving later than the approved late registration date, or arriving late for registration without prior approval within the first two teaching weeks, will be considered absent. Any late registration after the first two teaching weeks is not permitted. If students do not arrive before the last working day of the 2nd teaching week, they will be deemed to have waived their right to register at the University unless specifically exempted.
1.4 New students who have only completed in-person registration as part of the registration process would receive email reminders from the Academic Services Office to complete the online registration before the final registration deadline. Failure to complete the online registration within the specified timeframe would result in the student’s record being closed.
1.5 New students can apply to the Student Recruitment and Admissions Office (or the Graduate School for postgraduate research students) for an offer deferral before the official registration date (or by the end of July for postgraduate research students). The requests for deferral will be considered by the University, with reference to the School/Department or the academic supervisor (for postgraduate research students) before confirmation, and automatic approval is not guaranteed. Once approved, the offer will be extended to the following academic year unless stated otherwise. For postgraduate research students, the offer may be extended to a later start date in the Spring Session within the same academic year rather than being deferred for a full year.
During the deferment period, the offer holders are not considered to be students of UNNC and do not have access to all the services and resources of the University. The deferment period does not count toward the maximum period from initial registration to completion of the studies. New students who fail to register in accordance with the deferral arrangement will be deemed to have waived their right to register at the University.
2. Returning Student Registration Procedures
2.1 In order to complete the formal registration process, returning students must:
(a) Make full payment of tuition fees and miscellaneous fees to the Finance Office;
(b) Provide, check for accuracy and completeness the information held by the University regarding their relevant personal details and emergency contact, and about their programme of study, and amend such information as necessary, using an approved method;
(c) Confirm that they will obey the Ordinances and Regulations of the University which are in force during their period of study, including those governing the payment of fees and other sums due to the University, those governing progress in studies, attendance and conduct, and those covering the use of University Computer Facilities;
(d) Complete the online registration;
2.2 The official registration day and the final registration due date for returning students will be communicated via university website, Student Portal and emails.
2.3 Students shall apply for resuming study before the expiry date of interruption or suspension.
Students returning from interruption or suspension will be required to provide medical evidence if their return is conditional upon a proof of fitness. The medical evidence shall be issued by an appropriate medical professional (Chief or Associated Chief 主任医师或副主任医师) at an AA or AA+ hospital (二级甲等及以上医院) in China (or equivalent), and submitted to the Academic Services Office (or Graduate School for postgraduate research students) prior to registration. The medical evidence should be issued on letterhead paper and stamped by the hospital as deemed official, and those issued by online doctors will not be accepted. The University reserves the rights to require further medical assessment at a designated hospital.
2.4 Returning students who fail to complete the online registration process within the first two teaching weeks will be regarded as late registration students. Late registration exceeding six teaching weeks is not permitted and students will be deemed to have withdrawn from the University.
The detailed procedures are as follows.
(a) If the online registration is not completed on the official registration day, the Academic Services Office will send the 1st email reminder to complete online registration on the following working day.
(b) If the online registration is not completed by Monday of the 3rd teaching week, the Academic Services Office will notify IT Services to restrict IT access for non-registered students and the 2nd email reminder will be sent on the same day including the notification of access restriction.
(c) If the online registration is not completed after the 2nd reminder, the Academic Services Office will follow up with two further warning emails, the first and final warning on each Monday of the following two weeks.
(d) If the online registration is not completed by the 6th teaching week, the student will be deemed have withdrawn from the University and the student record will be closed on the Friday of the 6th teaching week. An official notification letter will be sent to the student’s email account and home address.
2.5 The registration of returning students will be suspended if the tuition fees have not been received by the Finance Office by the 6th teaching week, even though the online registration has been completed within the timeframe specified in 2.4. The School/Department shall provide an expected return date once the outstanding balance has been cleared to allow the student to resume the programme in an appropriate manner. In making the decision the School/Department should take into account all the circumstances of the individual, including health and safety aspects, and the requirements of the programme and may specify that on their return a student will be required to take alternative modules to those originally taken.
3. Non-registered students
3.1 There are a number of policies and processes within the University that might result in a student not being registered with the University although a relationship with the University still exists and they are expected at some time to continue or complete their programme.
In the following circumstances, a student will not be registered and will be subject to the specified conditions.
(a) General: Students whose registration status is suspended for any of the following reasons are not entitled to attend any teaching or take any assessments. They will not pay tuition fees and have no access to book loan/renewal services, campus access or facilities whilst unregistered.
(b) Debtors to the University: Students whose registration status is suspended for the following reason will be subject to the same conditions as those above in 3.1 (a). This applies when:
- the University has required the student to suspend under the UNNC Tuition Fee Payment Policy because of a debt that is owed to the University.
(c) Students taking external assessments: Students who are not registered for the following reason will be subject to the same conditions as those above in 3.1 (a), except that they are permitted to take assessments for which they have been entered (for which a fee may be payable depending on individual circumstances). This applies when:
- the student is taking assessments or reassessments as an external candidate (without attendance) under the University’s study regulations.
(d) Students who are engaged in study: The following types of students are not registered with the University although they remain engaged in their study with the University.
- Students on some partnerships where they are not required to be registered at UNNC for certain periods (including students who are on outgoing exchange/study abroad programme or on 2+2 programme studying at the University of Nottingham, UK for the last two years of their study);
- Students who have an extension to a submission date that takes them past their normal end of study date;
- Students on a taught master’s programme who have submitted their dissertation and are still in the examination process;
- Research students who are in their thesis pending period who have chosen not to register with the University;
- Research students who have submitted the thesis and are still in the examination process.
Such students have access to all usual university facilities and all regulations apply except that (1) students on outgoing exchange/study abroad programme will not have access to campus access or facilities for a certain period of time and (2) students on 2+2 programme studying at the University of Nottingham, UK for the last two years of their study will not have access to campus access, facilities or book loan/renewal services. (3) Postgraduate research students in thesis pending period will not be entitled with the facilities for research.
3.2 For detail information about the University access for non-registered students, please consult the following table.
Student Type
University Access
Network Access (University Account & Associated Systems)
Campus Access (Residential Area & Teaching Area)
Leavers in bad standing
Non-registered Students
External Candidate (without attendance)
Mobility Students*
Submission Extension
Research Students in the Thesis Pending
Taught Master (PGT)/ Research Student (PGR) in the Examination Process with Dissertation/Thesis Submitted
- Leavers*: Graduates, Voluntary Withdrawal, Course Termination and Completion of Exchange in Programme
- Suspension*: General Suspension and Suspend Debtor
- Mobility Students*: Exchange Out, Study Abroad Out and 2+2 Out