Funding your research

We offer a wide variety of scholarships to potential PhD candidates seeking to study with us. Our scholarships include faculty scholarships, strategic scholarships and DTP scholarships.


Guide to funding


Key dates and deadlines


Funding opportunities


DTP | Scholarship(s): 11

Open to application
Closing soon
Opportunity closed


Title Reference Places Closing Date
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and IGSNRR, CAS 2505DTPIGSNRR 5 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and NIMTE, CAS 2510DTPNIMTE 10 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and SARI, CAS 2504DTPSARI 4 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and SDU (Green Energy & Resources) 2505DTPSDUGER 5 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and SDU (Transportation Infrastructures) 2505DTPSDUTI 5 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and SUAT 2510DTPSUAT 10 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and Yongjiang Laboratory 2510DTPYLAB 10 2025/04/15
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and HIAS, UCAS 2505DTPHIAS 5 2025/04/30
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and IUE, CAS 2505DTPIUE 5 2025/04/30
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and SIMM, CAS 2505DTPSIMM 5 2025/04/30
Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships at UNNC and ZUFE 2507DTPZUFE 7 2025/04/30