Fully funded PhD scholarships through doctoral training partnership programmes

Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) offer a unique opportunity for students to follow a PhD programme that is embedded both in an international university and a leading Chinese Academy of Sciences or university research institute. The student is embedded in the research environment in both organisations and has access to the resources, facilities and expertise in both organisations. Students also have the possibility to participate in the University of Nottingham inter-campus mobility programme. Discussions with students have shown that they value this hybrid experience.

The collaborations also bring value to UNNC staff and to UNNC research groups by supporting staff to expand their professional networks. This has led to wider collaborations outside of the PhD programme including joint papers, project proposals, conference organisations, and so on. 

Since 2017, UNNC has firmly established itself as a beacon of academic excellence through its groundbreaking 17 DTP programmes with prestigious institutes and is continuously working to develop and strengthen the existing and potential partnerships. 

DTP Logos 2024