Christopher Fay (Chris)

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Tutor

Staff Profile Portrait Image



Trent Building 357


University of Nottingham Ningbo China


199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China


+86 0574 88180000 - 8314


MA Applied Linguistics for Teaching English for Academic Purposes (University of Durham)

Cambridge DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching for Adults)

Cambridge RSA/CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching for Adults)

BSc. Economics and Management (University of London)

BA English Language and Literature (Leeds University)


I have been teaching since 1998 and have specialized in English for Academic and Special Academic Purposes since 2000. During this time, I have worked in eight different countries for a number of British, Australian and Chinese universities where I have held several positions of responsibility coordinating and designing courses. My particular interests lie in teaching writing, especially for special academic purposes, and I most enjoy teaching in the Business faculty where I can combine my knowledge of English language teaching with subject knowledge in Business and Economics. I am also building on some preliminary research into disciplinary writing practices in the Business faculty to better inform materials design and classroom teaching.