Andrew Cragg

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Tutor

Staff Profile Portrait Image



Trent Building 358


University of Nottingham Ningbo China


199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China


+86 (0)574 8818 2459


Bachelor of Social Science (Rhodes University)

Honours in Industrial Sociology (Rhodes University)

Honours in Applied Linguistics (UNISA)

Post Graduate Diploma in Coaching Psychology (UEL).

Cert.TESOL (St Mary’s University)Global Career Development Facilitator (National Career Development Association, USA)


I have been teaching since early 2003. My first job was in Shanghai before moving to Qingdao. I then taught in Estonia and then Vietnam. I joined the Centre for English Language Education (CELE) in September 2008. Since then, I have seen many changes to the campus. I have taught many courses throughout my time at UNNC and been involved in many various projects. Until recently I was the convener of English for Architecture where I led successful initiatives to reform course design. I handed over management of the module so that I could concentrate on my studies.

I am currently studying for a Masters in Special and Inclusive Education through the University of Nottingham (UK). This is a fascinating area of study which focuses on supporting students with learning differences and promoting a more inclusive climate on campus. This is an exciting area of which I am proud to be part of.