第一章 总则
Chapter I General Principle
第一条 本基金会的名称是宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会
Article 1: This Foundation is named Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
第二条 本基金会属于非公募基金会。
Article 2: This Foundation is a private raising foundation.
第三条 本基金会遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,践行社会主义核心价值观,遵守社会道德风尚。
Article 3: The Foundation abides by the Chinese Constitution, laws, regulations, and national policies, practices the core values of Socialism, and abides by social morality.
The mission of the Foundation is to gain widespread support from society to promote educational and long-term development of the university.
第四条 本基金会的原始基金数额为人民币1800万元,来源于国内外企业和个人的自愿捐赠。
Article 4: The original fund of this Foundation is RMB 18 million, which was donated by the individuals and enterprises from all over the world.
第五条 本基金会坚持中国共产党的全面领导,根据中国共产党章程的规定,建立中国共产党的组织,开展党的活动,为党组织的活动提供必要条件。
Article 5: The Foundation adheres to the all-rounded leadership of the Communist Party of China, establishes an organization of the Communist Party of China, carries out activities of the Communist Party of China, and provides necessary conditions for the activities of the Party organization in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China.
The Zhejiang Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau is the registration & administration authority of the Foundation. The leading Party organization of the Foundation is the Party Committee of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. The business supervisor of this Foundation is the Zhejiang Provincial Education Bureau. The Foundation is under the guidance, supervision and management of the registration & administration authority, leading Party organization, and relevant business supervisors.
第六条 本基金会的住所是浙江省宁波市鄞州区泰康东路199号宁波诺丁汉大学行政楼311室,邮政编码315100。
Article 6: The address of the Foundation is: Room 311, Trent Building, 199 Taikang East Road, University Park, Ningbo, China, postal code 315100.
第二章 业务范围
Chapter II Business Scope
第七条 本基金会公益活动的业务范围:
Article 7: The business scope of the Foundation’s public welfare activities is as follows:
(1) To support the improvement of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China's teaching quality and academic research level;
(2) To set up scholarships, financial aids and teaching awards;
(3) To support students and graduates of the University in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship, international communication, contribution to the society and other activities conducive to the development of students' comprehensive quality;
(4) To fund the development of inter-university international teaching and research cooperation projects and international academic conferences;
(5) To support education-related public welfare causes;
(6) To support the construction and improvement of teaching and research facilities of the University (including buildings, instruments and equipment, books and materials, etc.).
第三章 组织机构、负责人
Chapter III Organization Structure and Persons in Charge
第八条 本基金会由6名理事组成理事会。
Article 8: The Board of the Foundation is composed of 6 Members.
Each service term of the Board Member is 3 years. Members could serve consecutively if he /she is selected consecutively.
第九条 理事的资格:
Article 9: Qualification of Board Members
(1) Enthusiasm for the public welfare in which the Foundation is engaged and committed to upholding the Constitution of EFUNNC.
(二)有加入本基金会的意愿;愿意付出时间和精力去推动基 金各项活动,愿意为宁波诺丁汉大学未来的成功而承担责任或义务;
(2) Have the intention to join the Foundation; willing to devote time and energy to promote the Foundation’s activities; willing to take responsibilities for the future success of UNNC and the Foundation.
(3) Have substantial financial contribution to the Foundation; have the value of and access to their current personal and professional networks; have great influence on philanthropic support to the University and the Foundation, particularly high-end support.
(4) Participate in the discussion and decision-making independently, objectively and prudently.
(5) Be conscientious and self-disciplined.
(6) Ensure that the use of the donated properties complies with the donors’ will and the public welfare purposes of the Foundation, and ensure the safety of the foundation properties and assets as well as its fund value.
第十条 理事的产生和罢免:
Article 10: Board members election and removal
(1) The first members should be nominated, negotiated and decided by the Business Supervisors, main donators and the originator;
(2) The Business supervisors, the Foundation Board, the Foundation’s Party committee and main donors should nominate candidates together and organize the working group for the election for the next term of office of Board members;
(3) Removal and adding new members of the Board should be voted and approved by the Foundation Board and also need to be reported to the business supervisor for review and approval;
(4) The results of election or removal of Board members should be reported to registration & administration authority for archiving.
Those with close relatives shall not serve on the Board of the Foundation at the same time.
第十一条 理事的权利和义务:
Article 11: The rights and obligations of Board members are as follows:
(1) Abide by the Constitution of EFUNNC, committed to upholding the mission of the Foundation;
(2) Participate in the Board meeting, and implement the resolution of the Board meeting;
(3) Right to elect, be elected and vote;
(4) Participate in and support the Foundation's activities; fulfil tasks allocated by the Foundation.
(5) The right to review, suggest and supervise the Foundation's policy/work, recommend to the Foundation's executive leadership regarding the policy and strategies that will enhance the success of the Foundation;
(6) Safeguard the legitimate rights and reputation of the Foundation; ensure the legitimate use of the donation funds;
(7) Actively advocate for fundraising for the Foundation through hosting of and attending at meetings and events;
(8) Provide valuable information for the Foundation's external cooperation;
(9) Be obliged to keep confidential of the undisclosed information of the Foundation that he/she gets to know during his/her terms of office, except those otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.
第十二条 本基金会的决策机构是理事会。理事会行使下列职权:
Article 12: The Board is the decision-maker of the Foundation. The rights of the Board are as follows:
(1) To develop and revise the Constitution;
(2) To elect and remove the Chairman of the Board, Vice Chairman of the Board and Secretary-General;
(3) To make decision of major business plans including plans of fundraising, fund management and fund usage;
(4) To approve annual income and expenditure budgets and to review last year’s annual financial reports;
(5) To develop the internal administrative regulations and procedures;
(6) To make decisions of setting up internal organizations, branches and representative offices;
(7) To make decision on the appointment of main persons in charge of all internal business units nominated by the Secretary-General;
(8) To review the work report made by Secretary-General; to check works of Secretary-General;
(9) To make decision on separation, combination or termination of the Foundation;
(10) To make decisions on other major issues.
第十三条 理事会每年召开2次会议。理事会会议由理事长负责召集和主持。
Article 13: The Board meetings are held twice a year. The Board meetings should be convened and chaired by the Chairman of the Board.
The Board must have a meeting if one third Members proposed to have a Board meeting. If the Chairman could not convene the meeting, Members who proposed the meeting could elect a Convener.
The Chairman of the Board or the Convener should give 5 days’ notice to all the Members for holding Board meetings.
第十四条 理事会会议须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开;理事会决议须经出席理事过半数通过方为有效。
Article 14: The Board meeting could only be convened when more than two thirds Members of the Board's present. The decisions made by the Board could be only valid with the agreement of over half Members present.
The decisions on major matters below will be only valid with the agreement of two thirds Members who presented the meeting.
(一) 章程的修改;
(1) Amendment of Constitution;
(2) To elect and remove the Chairman of the Board, Vice Chairman of the Board and Secretary-General;
(3) Major fundraising and investment activities specified by the Constitution;
(4) Separation and combination of the Foundation
第十五条 理事会会议应当制作会议记录。形成决议的,应当当场制作会议纪要,并由出席理事审阅、签名。理事会决议违反法律、法规或章程规定,致使基金会遭受损失的,参与决议的理事应当承担责任。但经证明在表决时反对并记载于会议记录的,该理事可免除责任。
Article 15: Meeting minutes should be prepared for Board meetings. Where a resolution is made over the meeting, the meeting summary should be prepared during the meeting and Members present should review and sign off the summary. The Board Members should take responsibilities if the Board decision they involved violates laws and regulations and causes the loss of foundation. The Board Members who could be proved of objection of the decision and were recorded in the minutes, the Member could exempt from the liability.
第十六条 本基金会设监事1名。监事任期与理事任期相同,期满可以连任。
Article 16: The Foundation has one supervisor. Supervisors and Members of Board have the same period of term of service. Both of them could serve consecutively.
第十七条 理事、理事的近亲属和基金会财会人员不得任监事。
Article 17: The Board Members, the close relatives of the Board Members and financial staff of the Foundation could not be appointed as supervisors.
第十八条 监事的产生和罢免:
Article 18: Election and removal of supervisors
(1) The supervisors are selected by main donors and business supervisors;
(2) The registration & administration authority could select the supervisor for the Foundation on the basis of work needs;
(3) The change of supervisors should abide by the stipulated procedure.
第十九条 监事的权利和义务:
Article 19: Rights and duties of supervisors
The supervisors should check the Foundation’s finance and accounting materials according to the procedure and supervise the Board to abide by laws and constitutions of EFUNNC.
Supervisors attend Board meetings and have the right to put forward quires and suggestions. Supervisors should also report the Foundation’s business status to registration & administration authority, business supervisors, tax and accounting authorities.
Supervisors should take their responsibilities and abide by the related law and regulations as well as the Constitutions of EFUNNC.
第二十条 在本基金会领取报酬的理事不得超过理事总人数的1/3。监事和未在基金会担任专职工作的理事不得从基金会获取报酬。
Article 20: The number of Board members who receive remuneration from the Foundation should not exceed one third of the total number of Board members. Supervisors and other Board members who are not fulltime members could not receive remuneration from the Foundation.
第二十一条 本基金会理事遇有个人利益与基金会利益关联时,不得参与相关事宜的决策;基金会理事、监事及其近亲属不得与基金会有任何交易行为。
Article 21: The Board Members could not be involved in decisions if their own interest conflicts with the interest of the Foundation. The Board members, supervisors and their close relatives are forbidden to be involved in any business transactions with the Foundation.
第二十二条 理事会设理事长、副理事长和秘书长,从理事中选举产生。
Article 22: The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General in the Board and are selected from Board members.
第二十三条 本基金会理事长、副理事长、秘书长必须符合以下条件:
Article 23: The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-General must meet following qualifications:
(一) 在本基金会业务领域内有较大影响;
(1) Having comparative important influence in foundation business field;
(2) The age of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General could not over 70; The General-Secretary should be fulltime;
(3) Healthy and could stick to normal working hour;
(4) Have full capacity for civil conduct.
第二十四条 有下列情形之一的人员,不能担任本基金会的理事长、副理事长、秘书长:
Article 24: Candidates who have following situations could not be elected as Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary-General:
(一) 属于现职国家工作人员的;
(1) Serve as the civil servant of the state currently;
(2) Having been sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment for a crime and it has not been more than five years since the completion of the sentence;
(3) Having been sentenced to deprivation of political rights due to a crime while it is being executed or in the past;
(4) He/she served as the Chairman of the board, Vice Chairman of the board or Secretary-General of a Foundation whose registration was revoked due to violation of the law, and he/she is personally responsible for the illegal acts of the Foundation, and it has not been more than 5 years since the date of the revocation of the registration.
第二十五条 担任本基金会理事长、副理事长或者秘书长的香港居民、澳门居民、台湾居民以及外国人,每年在中国内地居留时间不得少于3个月。
Article 25: If Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General are Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan residents or foreigners, the duration of their stay in mainland China should not be less than 3 months every year.
第二十六条 本基金会的理事长、副理事长、秘书长每届任期3年,一般连任不超过两届。因特殊情况需超届连任的,须经理事会特殊程序表决通过,报业务主管单位审查并经登记管理机关批准同意后,方可任职。
Article 26: Each service term of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General is 3 years. Normally they shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. Under special circumstances requiring an additional term, approval need to be made through the Board meeting, and further approvals from the businesses supervisor and registration & administration authority are needed.
第二十七条 本基金会理事长为基金会法定代表人。本基金会法定代表人不兼任其他组织的法定代表人。
Article 27: The Chairman is the legal representative of the Foundation and he/she shall not act as the legal person of other organizations.
The legal representative should be a resident of Mainland China with Chinese nationality.
During the term of office of the legal representative of the Foundation, if the Foundation violates the laws and Regulations on the Administration of Foundations and the Constitution of EFUNNC, the legal representative shall bear the relevant responsibilities. If the dereliction of duty of the legal representative results in illegal acts of the Foundation or property losses of the Foundation, the legal representative shall bear personal responsibility.
第二十八条 本基金会理事长行使下列职权:
Article 28: The Chairman of Board has following authorities:
(1) To convene and chair the Board meetings;
(2) To propose to the Board the annual work plans, financial budgets, rules and regulations;
(3) To implement the development plans adopted by the Board; to inspect the implementation of its resolutions and decisions of the Board meeting;
(4) To sign important documents on behalf of the Foundation; to coordinate the works between the different internal organizations and branches;
(5) To propose to the Board for employing and dismissing deputy Secretary-General and finance director and to determine their respective duties and responsibilities;
(6) To propose to the Board for employing and dismissing key staff within the organization of the Foundation;
(7) To be responsible for the overall administrative operation of the Foundation;
(8) Other powers conferred by the Constitution of the Foundation and the Board.
The Chairman shall abide by laws, regulations and the Constitution of the Foundation and shall faithfully and diligently perform his/her obligations; The Chairman shall, upon the request of the Board, report to the Board regarding the operational principles of the Foundation, implementation of resolutions of Board, the use of funds as well as any other issues requested by the Board.
The Vice Chairman and the Secretary-General of the Foundation shall carry out work under the leadership of the Chairman. The functions and powers of Secretary-General are:
(1) To lead daily work of the Foundation and to organize the implementation of resolutions of Board;
(2) To organize the implementation of annual social welfare activities of the Foundation;
(3) To make plans for the fundraising, fund management and fund usage;
(4) To draft internal management policy and procedures and report to the Board for approval;
(5) To decide the employment of staff for the Foundation’s each internal organization and branches;
(6) Other functions and powers authorized by the Constitution and the Board.
第四章 财产的管理和使用
Chapter IV Management and Usage of Properties
第二十九条 本基金会为非公募基金会,本基金会的收入来源于:
Article 29: As a private-raising foundation, the income of the Foundation comes from:
(1) Volunteering donation from individuals, legal persons and other organizations;
(2) Gain from investments;
(3) Other legal income.
第三十条 本基金会接受捐赠,应当遵守法律法规,符合章程规定的宗旨和公益活动的业务范围。
Article 30: For donation acceptance, the Foundation shall abide by laws and regulations, and comply with the Foundation’s business scope of public welfare activities stipulated in the Constitution of the Foundation.
第三十一条 本基金会的财产及其他收入受法律保护,任何单位、个人不得侵占、私分、挪用。本基金会投入人对投入基金会的财产不保留或享有任何财产权利。基金会财产及孳息不得用于分配。
Article 31: The property and other income of the Foundation are protected by law, and no organization or individual shall encroach upon, privately divide or embezzle the fund. The contributor to the Foundation does not retain or enjoy any property rights to the property invested in the Foundation. The property and interests of the fund shall not be used for distribution.
第三十二条 本基金会根据章程规定的宗旨和公益活动的业务范围使用财产;捐赠协议明确了具体使用方式的捐赠,根据捐赠协议的约定使用。
Article 32: The Foundation uses the property according to the purpose and within the business scope which specified by the Constitution. If there is a specified way of use in the donation agreement, then the property could be used as specified.
If the donated property could not be used for the purpose of the Foundation, then the property could be auctioned or sold, and the income will be used for purpose of donation.
第三十三条 本基金会财产主要用于:
Article 33: Foundation properties are mainly used:
(1) To support various public welfare projects according to the Constitution and the Board's decision;
(二) 维持基金会正常运行的必要开支和相应的筹款经费;
(2) To support the necessary expenses to maintain the operation of the Foundation and corresponding operational cost for fundraising.
(三) 以使基金会资产保值增值为目的的投资活动;
(3) To support the investment activities for the purpose of preserving or adding value to assets of the Foundation;
(四) 其他符合基金会章程的款项。
4) Other projects and activities which align with the Constitution of the Foundation.
第三十四条 本基金会的重大捐赠、投资活动是指:
Article 34: The major donations and investments of Foundation refers to:
(一) 单笔款项在300万元人民币以上的捐赠;
(1) Single donation exceeding RMB 3 million;
(2) Single investment exceeding RMB 1 million (excluding low-risk capital-preserving financial investment in the bank).
第三十五条 本基金会按照合法、安全、有效的原则实现基金的保值、增值。
Article 35: The Foundation shall preserve and increase the value of the fund in accordance with the principles of legality, safety and effectiveness.
第三十六条 本基金会每年用于从事章程规定的公益事业支出,不得低于上一年基金余额的8%。
Article 36: The annual expenditures for the projects for public welfare stipulated in the Constitution must be no less than 8% of last year-end's net asset of the Foundation.
The salary and welfare cost for the staff of the Foundation and the administrative and operational cost of the Foundation should not exceed 10% of the total expenditure of current year.
第三十七条 本基金会开展公益资助项目,应当向社会公开所开展的公益资助项目种类以及申请、评审程序。
Article 37: The Foundation should publicize the projects which has been implemented for public welfare to the society in term of project type, application and evaluation procedures.
第三十八条 捐赠人有权向本基金会查询捐赠财产的使用、管理情况,并提出意见和建议。对于捐赠人的查询,基金会应当及时如实答复。
Article 38: Donors are entitled to inquire about the utilization and management of donated properties and make suggestions. The Foundation should reply to donors' enquires in time and with true information.
In case the Foundation utilize donated properties in violation of the donation agreements, donors are entitled to request donations to be used in compliance with the donation agreement or apply to the people's court for revoking the donation action or rescinding donation contract.
第三十九条 本基金会可以与受助人签订协议,约定资助方式、资助数额以及资金用途和使用方式。
Article 39: The Foundation could sign agreements with beneficiaries in term of funding methods, funding amount, purposes of the funding as well as the ways of usage.
The Foundation have the right to supervise the utilization of the funding. In case that beneficiaries fail to utilize the funding in accordance with the funding agreement or violate the agreement, the Foundation is entitled to rescind the funding agreement.
第四十条 本基金会应当执行国家统一的会计制度,依法进行会计核算、建立健全内部会计监督制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准确、完整。
Article 40: The Foundation should carry out the national uniform accounting system, conduct accounting check-up according to law and establish and perfect the internal accounting supervisory system to ensure the accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete.
The Foundation shall be subject to taxation and accounting examination conducted by taxation and accounting authorities.
第四十一条 本基金会配备具有专业资格的会计人员。会计不得兼出纳。会计人员调动工作或离职时,必须与接管人员办清交接手续。
Article 41: The Foundation should be equipped with professional accounting staff. The accountant cannot be the cashier at the same time. The accounting staff must have clear handover procedures if there are transfers or resignations.
第四十二条 本基金会每年1月1日至12月31日为业务及会计年度,每年3月31日前,理事会对下列事项进行审定:
Article 42: 1 January to 31 December is the financial year of the Foundation. The Board should review the following items before every 31st of March.
(一) 上年度业务报告及经费收支决算;
(1) Last year's annual work report and financial reports;
(2) This year's work plan and budget of income and expenditure;
(3) Property list including current year's donor list and related materials.
第四十三条 本基金会进行年检、换届、更换法定代表人以及清算,应当进行财务审计。
Article 43: The financial audition should be conducted for the annual inspection, the election for the next Board, change of legal representative and liquidation.
第四十四条 本基金会按照《基金会管理条例》规定接受登记管理机关组织的年度检查。
Article 44: The Foundation receives annual inspection by registration & administration authority according to the Regulations on the Administration of Foundations.
第四十五条 本基金会通过登记管理机关的年度检查后,将年度工作报告在登记管理机关指定的媒体上公布,接受社会公众的查询、监督。
Article 45: After passing the annual inspection conducted by the registration & administration authority, the Foundation should make public the working reports through the media designated by the registration & administration authority for inspection and supervision by the public.
第四十六条 本基金会应当遵循以下办事原则:
Article 46: The Foundation shall follow the principles hereunder:
(1) The Foundation should design charitable projects reasonably according to the relevant laws and regulations. Optimize the implementation Process; reduce operation costs, and improve the efficiency of the fund usage.
(2) The Foundation establishes and improves the mechanism and regulations of project establishment, project implementation, and project supervision; sets up scientific, standardised and effective requirements for project establishment, approval, review, implementation, control, evaluation and feedback; and implements a project management system with a fulltime team to manage the fund and projects.
(三) 本基金会按照公开、公平、公正的原则,确定慈善受益人。本会管理人员的利害关系人不得作为受益人。
(3) With the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, the Foundation determines the beneficiaries of the fund. The stakeholders/relatives of the Foundation's management should not be the beneficiaries.
(4) The major charitable projects must be approved by no less than two thirds of the number of the Board Members presented.
(5) The major charitable projects of the Foundation include:
1. 年度慈善项目计划;
(i) Annual charitable projects plan;
2. 超过300万元的慈善项目;
(ii) Charitable projects exceeding RMB 3 million;
(6) Before launching major charitable projects, the Foundation should report to registration & administration authority in a timely manner.
(7) The use of the project funds should strictly abide by the regulations of financial and accounting of the nation, and should be used according to the donation agreement.
(8) The management and use of charitable project funds should be supervised by PRC financial departments, auditing organizations, registration & administration authority, business supervisors, and the public.
(9) The Foundation should set up a well-established project archive system, keep complete information of charitable projects, and improve the work of archiving for charity projects.
第五章 终止和剩余财产处理
Chapter V Termination and Disposal of Residual Properties
第四十七条 本基金会有以下情形之一,应当终止:
Article 47: The Foundation should be terminated if there are following situations:
(一) 无法完成章程规定的宗旨的;
(1) Inability to fulfil the purpose of the Constitution;
(2) Cannot continue to carry out public welfare activities according to the purpose which specified by the Constitution;
(3) Separation and combination of the Foundation;
(4) Other circumstances in which the Board deems that the Foundation should be terminated.
第四十八条 本基金会终止,应在理事会表决通过后15日内,报业务主管单位审查同意。经业务主管单位审查同意后15日内,向登记管理机关申请注销登记。
Article 48: The termination of the Foundation should be reported to the business supervisor within 15 days from the date of decision of termination made by the Board. The termination of the Foundation should also be reported to registration & administration authority within 15 days from the date of approval from business supervisor regarding the decision of termination.
第四十九条 本基金会办理注销登记前,应当在登记管理机关、业务主管单位的指导下成立清算组织,完成清算工作。
Article 49: Before applying for the cancellation of registration, the liquidation working team should be settled under the guidance of registration & administration authority and business supervisor to finish liquidation.
The cancellation of registration should be completed within 15 days from the completion date of liquidation. No business activity except liquidation shall be conducted during this period.
第五十条 本基金会注销后的剩余财产,应当在业务主管单位和登记管理机关的监督下,通过以下方式用于公益目的:
Article 50: The remaining property of the Foundation should be used for the purpose of public welfare though following ways under the supervision of business supervisor and registration & administration authority.
(1) For those remain assets which donors specified for certain purposes should be discussed with donors and be used for the welfare projects which donors specified;
(2) Remain assets of the Foundation should be donated without any remuneration to other universities with similar missions by monetary capital after auction.
If it could not be done as the ways above, under the coordination of civil affairs bureaus, the remaining property should be donated to other charitable organizations which have similar missions to the Foundation. Public announcement is required.
第六章 章程修改
Chapter VI Amendment of the Constitution
第五十一条 本章程的修改,须经理事会表决通过后15日内,报业务主管单位和党建工作机构审查同意。经业务主管单位和党建工作机构审查同意后,报登记管理机关核准。
Article 51: The amendment of the Constitution should be reported to the business supervisor within 15 days of Board's approval and get the approval from the business supervisor. The amendment should be reviewed by the business supervisor and then reviewed and approved by the registration & administration authority.
第七章 党组织建设
Chapter VII Construction of the Party Organization
第五十二条 本基金会按照党章规定,经上级党组织批准设立党组织。如暂不能单独建立党组织,支持通过联合建立党组织、选派党建工作联络员等方式,在本组织开展党的工作。
Article 52: According to the Party Constitution, the Foundation should establish Party organization with the approval of the Party organization at a higher level. If it is not feasible to establish the Party organization, the Foundation should carry out Party activities and work through joint establishment of Party organization or election of representative of Party organization.
第五十三条 本基金会党组织负责人,一般由本基金会秘书长以上负责人中的中共正式党员担任,如需要由其他同志担任的,报党建领导机关审核同意。
Article 53: The head of Party organization in the Foundation should be a formal Party member of the Communist Party of China whose level is or above Secretary-General. If other person is nominated, the Party organization at a higher level should approve.
第五十四条 探索建立开放式党组织和党小组,对党员有3名以上,但能接转组织关系的党员不足3名的,建立功能型、拓展型党组织。
Article 54: The Foundation should adopt a flexible approach to establish the Party organization. For Party members over 3 people with less than 3 members could transferring organizational relations, the Foundation should establish functional and expansible Party organization.
第五十五条 本基金会换届选举时,应先征求本基金会党组织意见;本基金会变更、撤并或注销,党组织应及时向上级党组织报告,并做好党员组织关系转移等相关工作。
Article 55: The Foundation Board's re-election should be approved by the Party organization of the Foundation; When there are changes or cancellation of the Foundation, the Party organization should report the situation to the Party organization at a higher level and prepare the transfer work for Party members.
第五十六条 本基金会为党组织开展活动、做好工作提供必要的场地、人员和经费支持,将党建工作经费纳入管理费用列支,支持党组织建设活动阵地。
Article 56: The Foundation should provide venue, manpower and financial support for activities of the Party work. The expenses of the Party work should be included in the operational expenditure of the Foundation.
第五十七条 本基金会支持领导班子与党组织领导班子“双向进入、交叉任职”,党组织负责人参加或列席管理层有关会议、党组织开展有关活动邀请非党员的社会组织负责人参加。
Article 57: The Foundation supports the “two-way entry and cross appointment” of the Party leaders. The Party leaders will be invited by the Foundation to attend Board meetings.
第五十八条 本基金会支持党组织对本会重要事项决策、重要业务活动、大额经费开支、接收大额捐赠、开展涉外活动等提出意见。
Article 58: The Foundation supports the Party committee's decisions on foundation's important matters, major business activities, major fund expenditure, and foreign-related affairs.
第八章 附则
Chapter VIII Supplementary Articles
第五十九条 本章程经2021年12月21日理事会表决通过。
Article 59: The regulations are approved by the Board on December 21st, 2021.
第六十条 本章程的解释权属于理事会。
Article 60: The explanation of Constitution resides with the Board.
第六十一条 本章程自登记管理机关核准之日起生效。
Article 61: The regulations will be effective once approved by the registration & administration authority.