宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会印章管理使用制度(试行)Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China Regulation for Stamp Management (Trial)
The rules are set based on the government policies and the situation of the Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (“The Foundation”), with the purpose to enhance the stamp management, ensure the legality, authority, effectiveness and safety of the Foundation stamp.
第一条 基金会印章、财务印章由基金会指定专人负责。
Article 1: The stamp and financial stamp shall be kept by the person designated by the Foundation.
第二条 基金会印章的使用,须经基金会秘书长批准。
Article 2: The stamp shall be used upon the approval by the Secretary-General of the Foundation.
第三条 盖印前要仔细审阅文书内容,审查材料是否齐全,对于不符合要求的,等手续完备后方可盖印。
Article 3: Review the documents before stamping, to make sure the materials are complete. Otherwise, go through all procedures before stamping.
第四条 盖印中要严格按照公文格式规定,盖印要工整,字迹要清晰,将印章下边压在公文落款日期的正中间。
Article 4: Strictly follow the formatting requirements, i.e. stamp shall be neat, writing shall be clear, the bottom of the stamp shall be between the signature and date.
第五条 管理印章人员要忠于职守,秉公办事,不得徇私舞弊,擅自使用印章。对违反规定使用印章造成严重后果的,应当追究保管人或负责人的行政责任或法律责任。
Article 5: The stamp administrator shall fulfil his/her duty impartially, and may not use the stamp without authorization. If violation of the rules results in serious consequences, the stamp administrator shall be held accountable by administrative rules or law.
第六条 未经批准,严禁携带印章外出使用。
Article 6: The stamp administrator may not carry the stamp out of the office, without approval.
第七条 本规定自下发之日起执行。
Article 7: All articles come into effect as of the date of issuance.
Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Jan, 2019