
Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China Regulations for Project Management 

第一章  总则 

Chapter1: General Provisions 

第一条   为规范宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会(以下简称“基金会”)的项目管理,保证基金会项目的顺利实施,加强基金会项目管理的公开和透明度,根据《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会章程》、《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会财务管理制度》等相关规定及本基金会实际情况,制定本办法。 

Article 1   These Articles are formulated pursuant to Articles of Association of Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Finance Policy of Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and other relevant provisions as well as the actual situation of the Foundation, for the purposes of regulating the project management of Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (“The Foundation”), ensuring smooth implementation of the Foundation projects and enhancing the openness and transparency of project management.  

第二条   基金会对宁波诺丁汉大学(以下简称“大学”)各项社会捐赠活动和资金进行统一管理。基金会理事会对所有社会捐赠活动和资金使用进行领导和决策;基金会办公室负责执行理事会的有关决议,并负责安排社会资金筹集活动及对资金使用进行管理。 

Article 2   The Foundation shall perform unified management upon social donation activities and funds of University of Nottingham Ningbo China (“The University”). The Foundation Board shall be responsible for leading and making decisions upon all social donation activities and funds utilization; the Foundation Office shall be responsible for implementing relevant resolutions of the Board, planning social funds collection activities and managing the funds utilization.  

第三条   项目的设立需符合基金会的宗旨、业务范围,遵照捐赠协议的规定,依照捐赠人的意愿,体现社会公益性。 

Article 3   The establishment of projects shall conform with the Foundation’s purpose and business scope, regulations of donation agreements, intents of the donors and embody social publicity.  


The establishment of the donation projects should follow the principles below:

1. 推动宁波诺丁汉大学教育教学质量和学术研究水平的提高; 

To promote the improvement of teaching quality and academic research level of the University;

2. 整合学校智力资源,支持本校学生创新创业、国际合作交流、服务社会; 

To integrate intellectual resource of the University and to support students’ innovative activities, international cooperation and social work;

3. 支持宁波诺丁汉大学的建设,为宁波诺丁汉大学的发展贡献力量; 

To support the development of the University and make contributions in many aspects; 


According to the priorities of the funding features, projects will be mainly established in the following areas:

1. 支持教学与研究设施的改善(包括建筑物、仪器设备和图书资料等); 

To support the improvement of teaching and research facilities (including buildings, equipment and books, etc.)

2. 资助教学研究、科学与技术研究及专著出版; 

To support the teaching, scientific and technological research, and publishing

3. 吸引海内外知名学者来校讲学及任教; 

To attract renowned scholars from home and abroad to teach and work in the University

4. 资助大学间国际合作项目的开展和国际学术会议;

To provide funding to joint projects and international academic conferences between universities 

5. 设立奖学金、助学金及奖教金; 

To establish scholarships, grants and financial aids

6. 资助有益于学生综合素质拓展的各项活动; 

To provide funding to a variety of student activities to help students’ all-round development

7. 关注和支持社会弱势群体的相关公益项目; 

To concern and support the charitable projects that helping underprivileged groups 

8. 按照捐赠者意愿设立的资助项目。 

To established charitable projects according to donors’ wishes  

第四条   基金会项目管理的主要职责是: 

Article 4   The main responsibilities of the Foundation’s project management are:

1. 根据大学和基金会的发展规划,进行捐赠协议审核与立项管理。 

To audit the donation agreement and to supervise the project establishment according to the development plan of the University and the Foundation.

2. 进行部门和项目的管理制度建设,负责拟订并不断完善各项管理制度。 

To establish management regulations of departments and projects, and to formulate and constantly improve management systems.

3. 对项目执行过程进行管理,完成项目计划,实现项目目标。 

To supervise the process of project execution in order to complete the project and achieve the objectives.

4. 定期向捐赠人报告项目的执行情况、使用效果和社会评价。 

To regularly report to the donors about the implementation, the achievements and social impact of the projects.

5. 通过规范管理,确保项目质量,塑造和提升基金会的公益形象。 

To maintain and enhance the public image of the Foundation by standardizing the management process and ensuring the project quality.  

第二章 项目管理 

Chapter 2: Project Management

第五条   基金会办公室下设的项目管理部门,对分管的项目承担实施、管理职责,基金会办公室对项目的实施履行监管职责。 

Article 5   The Project Management Department under the Foundation Office shall be responsible for the implementation and management upon the assigned projects and the Foundation Office shall be responsible for supervise the project implementation.


(I) The Project Management Department shall be composed of:


Relevant functional offices of the University, responsible for the Foundation’s self-established projects and the donation projects designated for the University or the certain functional office; 


Academic faculties of the University, responsible for the donation projects designated for the academic faculties of the University.  


 (II) Major responsibilities of the Project Management Department are:


Planning, designing and programming the projects according to the development plan of the University and the Foundation;


Constructing the project management system and formulating relevant regulations or detailed rules according to the Foundation’s Articles of Association and donation agreements; 


Organizing project works such as specific planning, implementation, funds utilization, plan completion, goal realization and information publicity;


To regularly report to the Foundation Office about the implementation, the achievements and social impact of the projects;


Developing external cooperation, strengthening public relation and financing and devoting to creating innovative sustainable brand projects.  

第六条   基金会办公室负责项目资金的到账查询、立项入账、使用和运作等工作,定期向理事会报告资金使用运作等情况。 

Article 6   The Foundation Office shall be responsible for the arrival amount inquiry, project approval and funds record, utilization and operation of project funds, and regularly report to the Board about the concerning matters of the funds. 

第七条   项目管理部门负责组织项目的具体规划、执行实施、经费使用、信息宣传发布等工作,并接受基金会的监督和管理。 

Article 7   The Project Management Department shall be responsible for organizing project works such as specific planning, implementation, funds utilization and information publicity and accept the supervision and management from the Foundation.  

第八条 基金会的各类捐赠项目由项目管理部门指定项目负责人全程负责制,项目负责人对项目完成质量和执行成效承担责任。基金会不接受有不良记录的项目负责人再次申请项目。(不良记录是指未能按计划完成项目或基金会对项目评价为良以下的。基金会对项目的评价分为优秀、良好、合格、不合格四个等级。) 

 Article 8   For the accepted donation projects of the Foundation, the Project Management Department shall designate a project manager for overall control, and the project manager shall be responsible for the quality of project completion and implementation performance. The Foundation will not accept new application of the project manager who had a bad record. (The bad record refers to the following two circumstances: failure to complete the project as planned or the Foundation's evaluation result of the project was below “Good”. The Foundation's evaluation of a project has four levels: Excellent, Good, Pass and Fail.)  

第九条  项目管理部门严格按照项目立项申请书和项目管理办法开展工作。 

Article 9   The Project Management Department shall carry out the work by strictly following the Application of project establishment and regulations for project management.  

第十条 项目应按照明确的目标与程序开展,公开、透明,接受公众监督。 

Article 10  Projects shall be carried out on the basis of specific goals, implemented in open and transparent to public scrutiny.  

第十一条   基金会对捐赠资金提取项目执行费,原则如下: 

Article 11   The Foundation will charge the project management fees for donation funds as follows:


Endowment funds are free of charge of management fee. Expendable funds will be charged according to the single arrival amount of each donation;


Donations for scholarships, grants (financial aid), equipment acquisition, infrastructures and social welfare projects are free of charge of management fee;

3、单笔到账金额在 500 万元(含)以下的捐赠款,按到账金额的 2%提取项目执行费;单笔到账金额在 500-1000 万元的捐赠款,按到账金额的 1.5%提取项目执行费;单笔到账金额在 1000 万元(含)以上的捐赠款,按到账金额的1%提取项目执行费。外币捐赠按捐赠外币汇出时金额计算; 

The amounts of management fees will be charged as follows: for single transfer of donation less than or equivalent to RMB 5 million (included), the management fee will be charged at 2% of the arrival amount; for single transfer of donation between RMB 5 million to RMB 10 million, the management fee will be charged at 1.5% of the arrival amount; for single transfer of donation over RMB 10 million (included), the management fee will be charged at 1% of the arrival amount. Donations in foreign currencies will be calculated according to the actual amount at the time of remittance;


The management fee of special donation projects will be charged according to the resolutions of the Foundation Board or the decision of the Chairman of the Foundation.  

第三章 捐赠项目设立流程

Chapter 3: Establishment Process of Donation Projects

第十二条  签订捐赠协议

Article 12   Signing of Donation Agreement  


(I) The Foundation and the donors shall sign donation agreements according to the development needs of the University and the intents of the donors on the basis of the regulations of the Foundation, thus to confirm the donation officially;  


 (II) The faculties and functional offices perform external liaison, submit the drafted donation agreement, project charter or regulations (via electronic document) to the Foundation Office when a donation intention is reached. The Foundation Office shall review the application documents and then determine the final version of the donation agreement, project charter or regulations 


(III) The donation agreement must include the purpose of donation, the usage of donation, the total amount of donation, the timeline of donation payment and the management of donation, etc.


 (IV) The Financial Department of the Foundation should issue the Unified Invoice of Donation for Public Welfare after the donation payment is received.   

第十三条   捐赠收入按性质分为:限定性收入和非限定性收入 

Article 13   The donation income can be divided into two types by nature: restricted income and unrestricted income.


 (I) Restricted funds and materials. According to the donor’s preference, a restricted fund is a fund with specific purpose to support a field or a project; 


(II) Unrestricted funds and materials. An unrestricted fund is a fund with no specific donation preference in its purpose and beneficiary. The University and the Foundation Board may determine the utilization objective and mode in line with the Foundation’s purpose; 


(III) Both restricted and unrestricted funds could be established as endowment fund or expendable fund. For an endowment fund, the principal must be maintained for investment only. Only the interests or investment returns may be used in part or in whole to support relevant projects. An expendable fund may be used directly to pay for project-related expenses, until all funds are expended.  

第十四条  捐赠项目为限定性资金与物资时,基金会需得到该领域、或大学、项目管理部门的负责人书面或工作邮件确认后,方可签署捐赠协议。 

Article 14   When a donation project is a restricted fund, the donation agreement shall be signed only after the Foundation has received the written or work mail confirmation from the responsible person of the field, or the University or the Project Management Department.  

第十五条   涉及到成立专门研究机构(中心、实验室等)时,需与大学相关部门负责人协商,确认该研究机构的成立符合相关规定后,方可签署捐赠协议。 

Article 15   When a donation project is related to the establishment of a specialized research institution (such as a research center or a laboratory), before signing the donation agreement, it is necessary to get the consent of the heads of academic faculties or research offices, making sure that the establishment of the project is legitimate under relevant regulations of the University.  

第十六条   捐赠方为境外非政府组织的,需按照我国相关法律法规进行备案相关工作。 

Article 16   If the donor is a foreign non-governmental organization, relevant paperwork should be prepared according to the law and regulations of the PRC.  

第十七条   限定性资金由项目管理部门填写《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会项目立项申请书》(附件1),提交基金会办公室备案,基金会秘书长办公会议(秘书长办公会议参加成员一般包括但不限于:基金会财务部、基金会监事、其他相关人员)初审后由基金会理事长审批。若该项目为重大项目(协议金额一般500万元及以上、受益面跨多个院系或职能部门,或对学校及基金会意义重大的项目),项目管理部门须填写《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会重大项目立项申请书》(附件2)及《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会重大项目下属子项目立项申请书》(附件3),经秘书长办公会议初审后,提交基金会理事会审批。同时项目管理部门还须向基金会提供与项目有关的附件材料。 

Article 17   The project management department shall fill in the EFUNNC Project Application Form (Appendix 1) and submit it to the Foundation Office for filing. The Chairman of the Foundation shall examine and approve it after the preliminary examination of the Office Meeting of Secretary-General of the Foundation (the Office Meeting of Secretary-General of the Foundation generally invite some of the following members: Foundation’s finance managers, Foundation’s internal supervisors, and other relevant stakeholders). If the project is a major project (the agreement amount is generally RMB 5 million or above, its benefits cover multiple schools or functional departments, or the project is of great significance to the University and the Foundation), the Project Management Department shall fill in the EFUNNC Major Project Application Form (Appendix 2) and the EFUNNC Application Form for Sub-Project of Major Project (Appendix 3) and submit them to the Foundation Board for approval after the preliminary examination of the Office Meeting of Secretary-General of the Foundation. At the same time, the Project Management Department shall also provide the Foundation with the accessory and supporting materials related to the project.  

第十八条   对于捐赠数额较大(协议金额一般 500 万元及以上)、受益面较宽(跨多个院系或职能部门)及对学校或基金会意义重大的项目,可设立专项基金进行管理。专项基金将设立基金管委会(管理小组),其职责是对项目管理、实施过程中的重大问题进行决策。管委会(管理小组)由受益方主要负责人、相关院系及职能部门负责人、特邀专家及基金会代表组成,一般由学校、基金会领导担任主任(组长)。管委会(管理小组)通过管委会(管理小组)会议举行活动,由主任(组长)负责召集,原则上每年至少召开一次会议,研究决定年度工作计划等重大问题。管委会(管理小组)也可以不定期召开会议,研究决定基金运行中需及时解决的重要问题。 

Article 18   Special funds may be set up to manage major projects with large donation amount (the agreement amount is generally RMB 5 million or above), wide benefit range (covering multiple schools or functional departments) and significant significance to the University or the Foundation. The special fund will be used to set up the Fund Management Committee (Management Team), whose responsibility is to make decisions on major issues in the process of project management and implementation. The Management Committee (Management Team) is composed of the main principals of the beneficiaries, the principals of relevant schools and functional departments, specially invited experts and representatives of the Foundation, and generally, the leaders of the University and the Foundation shall serve as directors (team leaders). The Management Committee (Management Team) shall organize activities through the meetings of the Management Committee (Management Group), which shall be convened by the director (team leader). In principle, a meeting shall be held at least once a year to study and decide on major issues such as the annual work plan and so on. The Management Committee (Management Team) may also hold meetings from time to time to study and decide on important issues that need to be resolved in a timely manner in the operation of the fund.  


The special fund shall set up a coordinator mechanism, and the Foundation shall designate a special person to be responsible for contacting and coordinating donors, beneficiaries and all parties of the Foundation, represent the Foundation to urge beneficiaries to implement the resolutions of the Management Committee (Management Team) and supervise the implementation of the project, and report to the donors and the Foundation in a timely manner. Generally, budget system shall be applied to the special funds, and the annual work plan and budget of the project shall be submitted to the Management Committee (Management Team) for approval.  


The application of establishment of a special fund shall be proposed by the main beneficiary or the fund coordinator, specifying the purpose, implementation content, duration, composition of the Management Committee (Management Team), financial person in charge and coordinator, etc. The Foundation Office shall report it to the director of the Foundation Board for examination and approval, and report to the Foundation Board for filing. Where the special fund ends due to the completion of its purpose, expiration of the agreement or termination of the donation by the donor, it shall be summarized and evaluated in accordance with relevant regulations and terminated.  

第十九条   基金会理事会授权基金会办公室负责非限定性资金的日常使用与管理,承担以下职能: 

 Article 19   The Foundation Board shall authorize the Foundation Office to be responsible for the daily use and management of unrestricted funds and to assume the following functions:


(I) Reviewing and approving the establishment and implementation of the project;


(II) Reviewing the relevant provisions and detailed rules for the implementation of project management;


 (III) Reviewing and approving the establishment and responsibilities of the Project Management Department;


(IV) Reviewing and approving the annual project plan and checking the implementation of the annual project plan.  

第二十条   基金会办公室定期向捐赠人提交项目执行、资金使用报告及相关反馈材料。 

Article 20   The Foundation Office shall regularly submit project implementation, fund use reports and relevant feedback materials to donors.  

第二十一条 各年度非限定性捐赠的资金总额和资助重点须根据大学发展需要及基金会的财务状况,由项目管理部门制定计划,报基金会办公室备案及审核。 

Article 21   The total amount of unrestricted donations and the priorities of the grants in each year shall be determined by the Project Management Department according to the needs of the University development and the financial status of the Foundation, and shall be reported to the Foundation Office for filing and review.  

第五章 资金管理 

Chapter 5: Funds Management 

第二十二条   捐赠资金或物资到位后,由基金会财务部设立专门科目,专项管理。资金使用由相关院系或职能部门指定授权签字人员。 

Article 22 After the donated funds or materials are in place, the Financial Department of the Foundation shall set up special subjects for special management. Authorized signatories shall be designated by relevant schools or functional departments for the use of funds.  

第二十三条 基金会办公室负责办理经费使用审批手续,基金会财务部负责将项目经费拨付给项目管理部门(具体参照《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会财务管理制度》)。

 Article 23 The Foundation Office shall be responsible for the examination and approval procedures for the use of funds, and the Foundation Finance Department shall be responsible for allocating project funds to the Project Management Department (refer to the Finance Policy of Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China for details).  

第六章 项目监督 

Chapter 6: Project Supervision



第二十四条 项目管理部门配合基金会办公室监督项目的执行情况:

Article 24 The Project Management Department shall coordinate with the Foundation Office to supervise the implementation of the project:


 (I) Checking whether the flow of funds in the process of project implementation is legal, reasonable, effective, and the like; 


(II) Tracking and managing the implementation of projects, sampling the implementation of some projects from time to time, and timely publishing important information about projects to donors and the society; 


 (III) The operation and management cost of a single project must not exceed 12% of the total expenditure of the project in current year. (Project operation and management cost refer to the working expenses of Project Management Departments, project committees and other project decision-making executive bodies: staffing cost, office fees, travel expenses, agency fee. If some expenses occur at the same time of charitable activities and management/operation activities, and cannot be directly attributed to a certain type of activities, these expenses shall be allocated in various activities according to a reasonable method, and shall be included in charitable activities expenses and management/operation expenses respectively.) 


(IV) For the annual or inter-annual projects, interim inspection of the project shall be carried out. The Project Management Department shall report the progress of the project to the Foundation, fill in the Feedback Form of EFUNNC Project Implementation Tracking Form (Appendix 4) in time, and submit the EFUNNC Project Annual Report (Appendix 5) before December 15 each year; at the same time, the Project Management Department shall organize expert to review and put forward suggestions for improvement;


(V) The Foundation Office will conduct on-the-spot checks on aided projects in the mid-term of the project and before the completion of the project, supervise the completion of the project and report to the Foundation Board; 


(VI) Within one month after the completion of the project, the Project Management Department shall organize experts to carry out project evaluation, write project summary and final accounts report; 


 (VII) For major projects, within six months after the completion of the project, the Project Management Department shall accept a third-party audit unit appointed by the Foundation to conduct a special audit for the major project and all subordinate subprojects to ensure that the project funds are earmarked. If the third-party audit unit has reservations about the special audit results of the project, the Foundation may require the Project Management Department to return the remaining funds and make rectification, and the Foundation will no longer fund other projects of the project manager in the future.  

第二十五条   项目管理部门需要变更项目实施方案时,应及时向基金会办公室提交书面报告,经协商获准后方可按变更后的方案执行。捐赠项目变更使用用途的还需捐赠方协商同意。因故不能执行的项目,项目单位需退还已拨付的资助经费。 

Article 25   In case the project implementation plan is needed to be changed, the Project Management Department shall timely submit a written report to the Foundation Office, and the changed plan can only be implemented upon negotiation and approval. Any change in the use of  the donation project requires the consent of the donor through consultation. For projects that cannot be implemented for some reason, the project unit shall refund the allocated funding.  

第二十六条   受助项目须以适当形式体现捐赠人及基金会资助。 

Article 26   The funding of donors and the Foundation shall be reflected in the funded projects in appropriate forms. 

第二十七条   项目结题后,项目管理部门填写《宁波诺丁汉大学教育发展基金会项目结题报告书》(附件6)报送基金会办公室。由基金会办公室汇总后上报理事会。 

Article 27   After the completion of the project, the Project Management Department shall fill in the EFUNNC Project Concluding Report (Appendix 6) and submit it to the Foundation Office. After being summarized by the Foundation Office, these shall be reported to the Foundation Board.  

第二十八条   项目管理部门负责项目执行各阶段的文档、影像资料收集、整理、汇总,项目结束后移交至基金会办公室。 

Article 28   The Project Management Department shall be responsible for collecting, sorting and summarizing the documents and image data of each stage of project implementation, and shall hand over the above-mentioned materials to the Foundation Office after the project is completed.  

第二十九条   项目管理部门在项目实施中如有未按协议约定使用资助或者有其他违反管理办法情形的,基金会办公室将视情节给予警告、批评或撤销资助。 

Article 29   In case the Project Management Department fails to use the funds as agreed upon in the implementation of the project or any other violations of the Regulations, the Foundation Office will warn, criticize or withdraw the funds according to the actual circumstances.  

第三十条   基金会资助项目的立项、管理、实施及经费使用等工作,接受基金会监事、业务主管部门、登记机关、捐赠人和社会的检查与监督,并主动接受会计事务所的审计。 

Article 30   The establishment, management, implementation and funds utilization of the Foundation’s funding projects shall be subject to the inspection and supervision of the supervisors of the Foundation, the competent operating department, the registration authority, donors and the society, and shall voluntarily accept the audit of accounting firms. 

第七章 附则 

Chapter 7: Additional Provisions  

第三十一条   基金会下设的具体项目可参照本办法制定项目管理实施细则。 

Article 31   Detailed measures of a specific project of the Foundation should be established under the guideline of these Regulation for project management.  

第三十二条   本办法由基金会第三届第4次理事会审议通过,自颁布之日起执行。

 Article 32   These Articles shall come into effect upon approval by the UNNC Education Foundation’s 4th Meeting of the 3rd Board as of the date of issuance.   

第三十三条   本办法以中英文两种语言书写。如中英文版本产生歧义,以中文版为准。 

Article 33   These Articles are made out in both Chinese and English. In the event of a conflict between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.  

第三十四条   本办法由基金会负责解释。本办法未尽事宜,按国家有关法律、法规、大学和基金会章程等规定执行。 

Article 34   These Articles shall be interpreted by the Foundation. Matters not covered hereinto shall be implemented in accordance with relevant national laws, regulations, articles of association of the University and the Foundation.  


Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China  


April, 2020