Shayna Kozuch

Deputy Head of CELE (External Pathway/Professional Education and Training)

Centre for English Language Education
Staff Profile Portrait Image



Trent Building 338


University of Nottingham Ningbo China


199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China


+86 0574 88180000 (Exit. 8436)


BA Political Science,

McGill UniversityMA TESOL,

University of NottinghamCambridge DELTA


Shayna is the Deputy Head of the Centre for English Language Education at UNNC managing the external programmes and pathways including CELE commercial programmes, CELE summer programmes, post-graduate pre-sessional, teacher training and Outreach.

She began teaching in 2007 and has taught in South Korea, Turkey and China. She joined the University of Nottingham Ningbo China in 2014. She is an experienced teacher with a special interest in course and materials design and has managed some of the largest courses at UNNC, including the reading and writing in academic contexts module, and English for Specific Academic Contexts. She led the transition to online and blended learning integrating theory and best practice into the courses she led during the covid-19 pandemic.



  • EAP including Reading and Writing in Academic Contexts, Academic Oral Presentations, English for Specific Academic Contexts: specifically International Business. 

Research interests

Student engagement and learner autonomy 

Blended learning 

Content-based course design