Secretary General of EFUNNC was awarded the title of "Outstanding Social Organisation Leader in Zhejiang Province"

06 December 2023

Recently, the Department of Civil Affairs of Zhejiang Province announced the results of the province's leading well-known social organisations and social organisation leaders in 2023. Qiaojie Xu (Joanna), the Secretary General of Education Foundation of the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNCEF), was honoured to be on the list, and was awarded the title of "Outstanding Social Organisation Leader in Zhejiang Province".

Over the past decade since joining UNNCEF, Joanna has consistently adhered to the principle of public welfare, working to improve professional skills, and learning from sector best practice. Under the guidance of university leadership and the Chair of the Foundation, she has built the operational framework of the Foundation's Secretariat from scratch, benchmarking against learning from outstanding professionals across the sector. In recent years, UNNCEF has shown a healthy and steady development trend in terms of fundraising, enhancing project content, optimising management processes, and cultivating a culture of philanthropy. The Foundation operates more than 40 charitable projects annually, with an average annual total charitable expenditure of over RMB 17 million.

According to statistics, as of the end of October 2023, there are a total of 71,000 social organisations in Zhejiang province. UNNCEF are honoured to be recognised amongst strong competition and will continue to work hard in the modernisation of Zhejiang province.