We offer various scholarships which aim to reward excellence and promote diversity among our student body. Based on our data, nearly 30% of our undergraduate students and over 40% of our postgraduate students were awarded for scholarships for their entry. Once enrolled, current students are eligible for additional merit and/or performance-based scholarships and awards which covers approximately 32.5% of our whole student body.
* Please note that students are eligible to receive one entry-based Nottingham scholarship award and one progresion-based award during their academic study at UNNC. Should students be considered for two awards, the highest award will be automatically granted.
Ningbo Government Scholarship for UG and PG Students from HMT Area
There are approximately 5 undergraduate scholarships towards the first year’s tuition fee . The amounts available are as follows:
- 20,000RMB for full time undergraduate students
- Be a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan applicant who submitted the application.
- Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement and personal statement. If applicants submit both high school score and GSAT result, GSAT results will be used to determine your academic performance.
Application Process
Students who would like to apply for this scholarship will need to prepare the following documents and submit to the Admissions Hub System by 31 May 2023:
- Course application form and documents
- Personal statement (500 words)
Students may go a maximum of 10% under, or over the word count. Students may choose to use the personal statement from their main course application, or submit a second statement.
Students may apply for multiple scholarships but will be considered and entitled for only ONE entry-based scholarship, with no exception to Family/Alumni scholarship. Scholarship offer will not be deferred to the following academic year.
This scholarship is awarded to approximately 5 academically talented applicants who each receive a tuition fee scholarship of 30,000 RMB.
- Be a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan applicant who submitted the application.
- Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement and personal statement.
Application Process
To apply for this scholarship, please prepare the following documents and submit to the Admission Hub System by 31 May 2023:
- Application form
- A personal statement of 500 words.
Students may go a maximum of 10% under, or over the word count. Students may choose to use the personal statement from their main course application, or submit a second statement.
For downloading the application form: Please click here.
Nottingham Global Scholarships for HMT Students (Full and Half Scholarship)
Value of the award
◾Nottingham Global Full scholarship is worth RMB 100,000 per student, equivalent of 100% toward first year of undergraduate tuition fee respectively. This scholarship is awarded to approximately 4 academically talented applicants.
◾Nottingham Global Half scholarship is worth RMB 50,000 per student, equivalent of 50% toward first year of undergraduate tuition fee respectively. This scholarship is awarded to approximately 4 academically talented applicants.
◾This scholarship is an entrance scholarship only. The fees will be waived from students’ one-years’ tuition fee or will be refunded to students if full tuition fee is paid.
◾Be HMT applicants who submitted the application.
◾Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement having achieved at minimum requirements of UK first class (70) or equivalent, as determined at the time of admission.
How to apply
Separated application for Nottingham Global Full/Half Scholarship is required. In order to complete the Nottingham Global Full/Half Scholarship application, a filled scholarship application form is required to submit to Admission Hub System by the designated deadline.
Application Form: Please click here.
This scholarship will be awarded until 31 May 2023.
Spots are limited so please contact the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office for further details: HMT@nottingham.edu.cn
Ningbo Government Scholarship for Non-degree Students from HMT Area
Ningbo government offers non-degree students from Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan a scholarship up to 6,000RMB per person.
- Be a HMT applicant who submitted the application.
- Merit-based selection based on outstanding academic achievement and personal statement.
Application Process
Students who would like to apply for this scholarship will need to fill the application form and submit to Global Engagement Office at international@nottingham.edu.cn.
University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) Mobility Scholarships
This scholarship will be awarded to exchange and study abroad students (not including Nottingham UK and Malaysia campuses). We are happy to announce RMB 500,000 scholarship to all incoming students. Winners will be selected by their academic performance at home university and the success ratio will be around 50% of total nomination you send to us. The winners will be awarded a one-off payment of RMB 6,000 each.
Basic requirements
- Candidates must be from outside of mainland China (including Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan) and hold a valid passport or ID from that country or region.
- Candidates must be full-time applicants who apply for UNNC mobility programme.
- Candidates should demonstrate high levels of academic performance.
- Candidates should be nominated by their home institutions/agent. This scholarship will be paid into students account one month after registration day each semester. All candidates will be issued a scholarship certificate.
Any enquiry regarding application, please email Global Engagement Office: