
About visual identity

Our look is innovative, inclusive and inspiring. We want to make people think. We want them to see our content and connect those thoughts to the University of Nottingham.

Using our logos, colours, fonts and shapes in a consistent way helps to make us instantly recognisable around the world. And with creative illustration and striking photography we can illuminate curious minds and impart our global reach.




Our logo represents our heritage. It gives us an identity and separates us from other institutions. We need to take good care of it – respecting it, protecting it and making sure we use it in just the right way.

The master logo is made up of three essential elements: the castle square, logotype and location line.


Learn more about logo variations, placement, sizes and use, please refer to brand guidelines.




Colour is an important part of who we are. Used wisely and creatively, our palette can have a positive impact, help people to recognise us and make our content more effective.

Nottingham Blue is the key colour for the university and should feature on all assets. The deep, rich colour helps the university to be recognisable and it’s also associated with trust and respect. Black is no longer part of the Nottingham palette and Nottingham Blue should be used as a replacement (this includes body copy). There are five approved tints that can also be used for variety and to assist legibility. HEX codes have been provided for each tint, and these should be used when creating digital artwork, rather than using opacity. You must ensure you use the correct colour output (RGB for digital and CMYK for print) for the asset and its usage.


Primary colourLearn more about supporting palette, neutral palette, recommended groupings and more, please refer to brand guidelines.




The shape and form of our letters and words moulds people’ s perception of who we are. Using fonts consistently strengthens our identity and makes our messages stand out on the page and the screen.

Our sans serif font is Circular. The range of weights make it a flexible font and allows for more consistency across all assets produced for the university.

Contact the brand team to request the font files if you believe you will use the primary font regularly. If a license is available, they’ll get you set up. Or, if you’re a third-party supplier, you will need to buy Circular from For emails, PowerPoint presentations and other Microsoft packages, it’s fine to use our system font substitutes, which you’ll fnd in brand guidelines.

Use HarmonyOS Sans as the Circular equivalent when writing in Chinese. If you need access to HarmonyOS Sans, please contact brand team for the font files.

Sans serif font – Circular

Learn more about serif font, system font substitutes and more, please refer to brand guidelines.



Brand guidelines

If you need more information about photography and video, shapes, illustrations, tables and charts, please refer to brand guidelines.

Download brand guidelines

brand guideline banner