What happens next


Paying accommodation fees

Your accommodation fee needs to be paid in full before you can firmly be offered a room in our international residences. 

The accommodation fees need to be paid in full to reserve a room in our international residences, there are two ways for the payment after online dorm selection.

  • Online payment: scan the online QR code and pay the fee directly through the WeChat wallet function.
  • Bank transfer: make a bank transfer and upload payment evidence online.

If you miss online dorm selection, you can also apply for dorm and make a full payment at the Residential Hub (1st floor of Residence #15) when you arrive on campus.


Accommodation Office contact details:

The University of Nottingham Ningbo, China Ningbo 199 Taikang East Road, 315100 Ningbo, China

Tel: +86 (0)574 - 8818 0811/8818 0820

Email: accommodation@nottingham.edu.cn


Specific arrival details for students to check in university allocated accommodations will be available after accommodation offers are made. Please visit New Student Welcome for more information.