Partner school image

Host information

Key Dates
Semester September to January April to early August
Application deadline February1 - March 5 for reference July 1 - October 5 for reference
Orientation Late September Early April
Beginning of classes Late September Mid April
Exam period TBD TBD
Academic calendar link  

Entry requirements
  For exchange students For study abroad students
Requirements on GPA or overall average grade

above 60


Proof of English proficiency

waived for UNNC students


Courses and credits

Courses link

Academic Courses for International Students | TOYO University Admissions


Semester standard credit load equivalents
Standard credit load Standard number of modules UNNC credits
15 credits 6-7 modules 1 credit= 4 UNNC credits


Toyo rank Toyo points UNNC mark UNNC class
S 90+ 70-100 1st
A 80-89 60-69 2:1
B 70-79 50-59 2:2
C 60-69 40-49 3rd
D 40-59 30-39 F
E 0-49 0-29 F



Toyo is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities are able to take courses and exams at Toyo.If you would like to request special accommodations for your courses and/or exams, please submit a medical certificate from your doctor and a letter from your home university’s accessibility office that explains your disability and the accommodations you receive at your home institution and that you request at Toyo. We will consult with our student support office and decide if we can accommodate your needs during your study with us.


Support for international Students | TOYO University Admissions

Monthly expenses

【For one month】Meals (approximately 50,000 JPY~) ※Residence in the AI-House includes breakfast and dinner on weekdays. Beyond that, you should budget approximately 30,000 JPY for meals. National Health Insurance fees (1,500 JPY~) SIM card or phone bill (3,000JPY~) Other, such as transportation fee (5,000JPY~) *If you include commuter pass, you will need more than 10,000JPY~【

【For semester】Textbooks and reference books (20,000 JPY~) Since Japan is still primarily a cash-based society, there are many cases where credit cards are not accepted. Study abroad students are recommended to have at least 150,000 to 200,000 JPY in cash for their first two months. *If you live in the AI-House or I-House, you will need to pay your March and April accommodation and bedding rental fees in March by cash.