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Host information

Key Dates
Semester September to December January to May
Application deadline May 15th Nov 10th
Orientation Late August Early January
Beginning of classes First week of September Mid January
Exam period Exams sessions will take place at the end of each course or during the week following the end of the courses. Exams sessions will take place at the end of each course or during the week following the end of the courses.
Academic calendar link  

Entry requirements
  For exchange students For study abroad students
Requirements on GPA or overall average grade

above 60


Proof of English proficiency

Waived for UNNC students


Courses and credits

Courses link

University Diploma in International & Comparative Studies - Sciences Po Toulouse (


Semester standard credit load equivalents
Standard credit load Standard number of modules UNNC credits
30 ETCS 5-6 modules 1 ECTS= 2 unnc credits

Toulouse grade


Nottingham grade

Nottingham class



























Only the International Office of Sciences Po Toulouse can provide university accommodation at halls of residence. A request must be made on the application form directly during the application process. No hall-of-residence room will be attributed through the central university CROUS but must only go through the Sciences Po International Office. 

Monthly rent at a hall of residence in Toulouse will cost approximately €300. We are unable to guarantee a room for each student as the number of rooms is limited. The applicant will be informed in the first two weeks of July if they have been attributed with a place at a hall of residence. We shall do our utmost to accommodate. 

Private accommodation is the alternative option in Toulouse for visiting students that do not wish to stay at hall of residence or who are not attributed with a place. An apartment in the center of Toulouse for a student will cost in the region between €400 and €600 per month. It is also possible to find a room with families. Students should start looking for accommodation as soon as possible. They can either do this on their own or they can seek help from the Federal University of Toulouse and subscribe to their Toul’box.

The French state provides financial aid (CAF) to students (including foreign students) in order to pay something towards their accommodation as long as they meet certain criteria. Requests for the CAF are made in September and will be granted in October and paid for the first time in November, for example. The CAF internet site is only in French, but, you can find someone to help you complete the application at the Toulouse Welcome Desk if you do not speak French. To benefit from the Housing Allowance, a foreign student from outside of the EU must have a valid OFII visa and a residence permit (or a receipt of request of the residence permit).

The housing allowance can be paid directly to the owner of the rented apartment you are staying in and then deducted from your rent every month. The calculation of the Housing Allowance will be made on the basis of the applicant’s financial resources, family situation, nature of the accommodation, place of residence, rent and the number of dependents that they may have. You can be staying at a sublet, shared accommodation, hall of residence, hotel, furnished accommodation but you must not be staying with a relative and you must have a French bank account and be the rental agreement holder (with the ability to provide a receipt of rent).


A non-European student living for more than three months in France must register with a social security organization. This is done when the student applies for the final registration at Sciences Po Toulouse.

It is recommended to take out complementary insurance as the French social security does not cover the full amount of medical costs. 

Monthly expenses

Rent €380 to €750 300 to 700€

Living Expenses €200 to €350

Other Expenses €280 to €320


Total    €860 to €1420