Partner school image

Partner school location

Host information

Key Dates
Semester Early October to end of January Mid April to end of August
Application deadline April 30 October 30
Orientation Early April End of September
Beginning of classes Early October Mid April
Exam period in February in August
Academic calendar link

Entry requirements
  For exchange students For study abroad students
Requirements on GPA or overall average grade

above 60


Proof of English proficiency

waived for UNNC students


Courses and credits

Courses link


Semester standard credit load equivalents
Standard credit load Standard number of modules UNNC credits
15 credits 7-8 modules 1 waseda credit= 4 UNNC credits

Waseda rank Waseda points UNNC mark UNNC class
A+ 90+ 70-100 1st
A 80-89 60-69 2:1
B 70-79 50-59 2:2
C 60-69 40-49 3rd
F 50-59 30-39 F
G 0-49 0-29 F



Students seeking accommodation have three options: university dormitories (off-campus), dormitories managed by private companies, and apartments.

The cost of housing ranges from 55,000 to 90,000 yen per month.

Exchange students are rarely assigned a room as university dormitories are very competitive. Although we can introduce a private company or give some suggestions for students, it is student’s responsibility to find her/his own accommodation.

早稲田大学 留学生寮 (



Monthly expenses

0_Instructions-5.pdf (