Partner school image

USYD ranked in the top 100 globally in all the leading world university, rankings, including QS, Times Higher Education, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities. It is Australia’s most innovative University and one of the top 10 most beautiful in the world.

Host information

Key Dates
Semester 31 July 2023 to 25 November 2023 Late Feb- Mid Jun 2024
Application deadline Apr.30 Nov.30
Orientation Late July Late Feb
Beginning of classes Jul.31 2023 Late Feb
Exam period 13 November 2023 to 25 November 2023 Early Jun-Mid June
Academic calendar link

Entry requirements
  For exchange students For study abroad students
Requirements on GPA or overall average grade



Proof of English proficiency

waived for UNNC students

waived for UNNC students

Courses and credits

Courses link

Course search - The University of Sydney


Semester standard credit load equivalents
Standard credit load Standard number of modules UNNC credits
24 USYD credits per semester 4 60

SA tuition Tuition fees for international students - The University of Sydney

USYD grade USYD mark range Nottingham % Nottingham Class
HD 85-100 70-100 1st
D 75-84 60-69 2:1
CR 65-74 50-59 2:2
P 55-64 40-49 3rd
F 0-49 0-39 Fail



Student accommodation in Sydney - The University of Sydney


Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) - The University of Sydney

Monthly expenses

Total  $1800-3020